Galen Cook

Galen Cook


Galen Cook is an attorney in Washington State and a former private investigator. He has been working independently on the D.B. Cooper mystery since 1982 and has a wealth of information about the case, as well as his own well-developed theory. Also, Galen sued the FBI in federal court in Seattle, WA in 2004, to get the FBI's Cooper case files opened to the public.

Past Shows:

  • Ian's Farewell Show

    After 13 years of hosting Coast to Coast AM, Ian Punnett (Twitter) bid a final farewell to the program and was joined by a cavalcade of guests, including Dr. Judith Orloff, Bill Szostak and Kelly Snider, Galen Cook, Jason 'The Horse,' Peter Levenda, Lynn Picknett and Clive...More »
  • Animal Predators

    Joining Ian Punnett, Paul A. Trout (book link), retired professor at Montana State University, for a discussion on how ancient mythology about animal predators in search of human flesh has factual roots based on mankind's early history. First hour guest, Galen Cook, provided an...More »
  • Dark Side of Technology

    Journalist and computer analyst, Robert Vamosi, who has been covering digital security issues for more than a decade, discussed the dark side of technology. During the first hour, attorney Galen Cook commented on new evidence in the D.B. Cooper mystery, and Ian played part...More »
  • Space, Mars, & Energy

    Author and aerospace engineer Dr. Robert Zubrin spoke about the importance of space exploration, and colonizing Mars, as well as alternative energy solutions for the United States. First hour guest, attorney Galen Cook discussed news in the D.B. Cooper mystery, and how the...More »
  • Futurist Forecasts

    Professors Peter Bishop and Andy Hines from the Futures Studies program at the University of Houston joined Ian Punnett for a discussion on the techniques for long term forecasting and what futurists are seeing down the road for the world. Appearing during the third hour,...More »
  • Life in Space

    Author Mary Roach discussed what she learned about the difficulties of living in space and traveling to far off worlds while researching her new book, Packing for Mars. In the first half-hour, attorney Galen Cook provided a brief update on his D.B. Cooper investigation...More »
  • Rebroadcast: Private Military Contractors

    In a rebroadcast from 11/24/07, Ian Punnett talked with author and adventurer Robert Young Pelton about the rise of military privatization in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as in our own country. First hour guest Galen Cook discussed the D.B. Cooper case.More »
  • Plot to Islamize America

    Counter-terrorism specialist David Gaubats shared his insights into the plans of radical Muslim organizations to undermine the U.S. by gradually Islamizing America. Attorney Galen Cook appeared in the first hour to discuss the D.B. Cooper mystery on the anniversary of the case.More »
  • Pluto, Kepler & 2012

    Astrophysicist and director of the Hayden Planetarium, Neil deGrasse Tyson discussed Pluto and the controversy surrounding its demotion from planetary status. First hour guest, attorney Galen Cook briefly commented on new research examining D.B. Cooper's loot.More »
  • D.B. Cooper & Nikola Tesla

    In the first hour, attorney Galen Cook provided an update on his investigation of D.B. Cooper, the notorious hijacker who in 1971 parachuted from an airliner with a $200,000 ransom and vanished without a trace. During the middle two hours, Emmy-Award winning television producer...More »
  • Number Crunching

    Yale Law and Business Professor Ian Ayres discussed his book Super Crunchers as well as all the ways data mining and number crunching are affecting our lives today. Private corporations have amassed petabytes* of data about individuals, Ayres explained, pointing out uses for...More »
  • D.B. Cooper & Organized Crime

    During the first two hours, attorney Galen Cook wrapped up his D.B. Cooper investigation. He was joined by a man who says he is Cooper's son. In the third hour, journalist Misha Glenny (book link) revealed the intricacies and pervasiveness of global organized crime and discussed...More »
  • Generations & Crisis Cycles

    Historian and economist Neil Howe discussed his work on generations and how they shape history as well as cycles of crisis. According to Howe, there are four different types of generations -- Boomers, Generation X, Millennial and Lost -- that have tended to recur in the same...More »
  • Colucci's Investigations

    Detective turned author Vito Colucci discussed his work as a private investigator as well as some of the high profile cases he has examined over the last 20 years.Colucci commented on the trial of Michael Skakel, who in 2002 was convicted for the murder of Martha Moxley. In 1975...More »
  • Monster Hunters

    Filmmaker Peter Von Puttkamer discussed his most recent work tracking six groups of Monster Hunters on a mission to find physical evidence of the Jersey Devil, Chupacabras, and Yowies. According to Puttkamer, the Jersey Devil legend may have started in the 18th century when a...More »
  • Solar Cycle 24

    Futurist John Jay Harper discussed how Solar Cycle 24 marks the start of a disastrous cycle for our climate and civilization. The new solar cycle, which according to experts is currently under way, indicates that solar activity — sunspots and solar flares — is likely to...More »
  • Predictions Special: 2008

    Kicking off the New Year, Ian Punnett hosted Coast to Coast AM's annual prediction show featuring psychics and prognosticators sharing what they see coming in the year 2008. In order of the guests' appearances, here are some of the highlights: Trendcaster Gerald Celente: 2008...More »
  • Private Military Contractors

    Author and adventurer Robert Young Pelton discussed his latest book, Licensed to Kill: Hired Guns in the War on Terror, in which he explores the rise of military privatization in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as in our own country.More »