Randall Fitzgerald

Randall Fitzgerald


Randall Fitzgerald began his journalism career in 1974 in Washington, D.C. as an investigative reporter for syndicated columnist Jack Anderson. He has since written for The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, and for 20 years was an editor with Reader's Digest. Randall is the author of several books, including Lucky You: Proven Strategies You Can Use to Find Your Fortune, and his latest, The Hundred Year Lie: How Food and Medicine Are Destroying Your Health.



Past Shows:

  • Animal Intelligence / Supernatural Movies

    Investigative reporter Randall Fitzgerald shared his latest research into animal intelligence. Followed by transpersonal hypnotherapist Kaedrich Olsen on the true stories behind various popular paranormal movies.More »
  • Intuitive Luck / UAP Hearings & Sightings

    Investigative reporter Randall Fitzgerald discussed ways to use intuitive luck. Followed by Sam Maranto of Illinois MUFON on UFO investigations and congressional hearings.More »
  • Intuition & Luck / Dystopia & Drones

    Investigative reporter Randall Fitzgerald shared how to cultivate luck. Followed by Prof. Jarret Keene on dystopian entertainment and drones.More »
  • UFOs & Consciousness / Fallen Angels

    Investigative reporter Randall Fitzgerald discussed whether Earth itself is a sentient being projecting UFOs and other phenomena. Followed by Bible scholar Scott Mitchell on his research into why he believes aliens are fallen angels.More »
  • Putin & Ukraine / ET Contact & Theories

    Journalist Robert Young Pelton discussed how the Russian invasion of Ukraine is part of Putin's decades-long plan of shifting the world order. Followed by writer Randall Fitzgerald on alien theories and UFO cases.More »
  • Synthetic Chemicals & Mutations

    Appearing in the middle two hours, investigative reporter Randall Fitzgerald presented an update on the problems synthetic chemicals are causing for living creatures and the environment.More »
  • Chemicals: Dangers & Deceptions

    Investigative reporter Randall Fitzgerald believes that the interaction of synthetic chemicals is wreaking havoc on human health and weakening people's immune systems.More »
  • Intuition & Luck

    Investigative reporter Randall Fitzgerald returned to the show to chat about luck and intuition and the relationship between them.He believes that luck can stem from a person tapping into their intuition about situations, as well as the intentions of other people.More »
  • Stories of Luck

    Author Randall Fitzgerald discussed the role of luck in our lives based on his interviews and personal research. He recounted a phenomenal streak of luck he had gambling on slot machines at an Indian casino near his home. Fitzgerald said he tapped into his own radar system for...More »

Last Night

Self-Love & Relationships / Differences Between Men and Women
Self-Love & Relationships / Differences Between Men and Women
Transformational leader Shenal Arimilli discussed the importance of self-love and its impact on relationships. Followed by communication and relationship expert Dr. John Gray who delved into the biological and psychological differences between men and women.


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