Daryl Hannah

Daryl Hannah


Actress Daryl Hannah has starred in such films as Ron Howard's Splash (1984) and Herbert Ross' Steel Magnolias (1989). Daryl is a keen environmentalist and has her own weekly video blog on sustainable solutions.


Past Shows:

  • Alien Hypotheses

    Author, blogger and Fortean researcher Mac Tonnies argued that the ET hypothesis (that aliens are visiting our world from other star systems) is somewhat of an outmoded concept. In the last hour, ecological biologist David Blume and actress/activist Daryl Hannah talked...More »

Last Night

Billy Meier UFO Case / Akashic Records & Angels
Billy Meier UFO Case / Akashic Records & Angels
Author and filmmaker Brit Elders discussed the case of the Swiss farmer Billy Meier, who claims to have met with Pleiadian aliens hundreds of times. Followed by Akashic Records master teacher Amy Robeson.


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