Joseph F. Johnston, Jr.

Joseph F. Johnston, Jr.


Joseph F. Johnston, Jr., is a graduate of Princeton University and received a master’s degree in history and a law degree from Harvard University. He practiced law in New York City and Washington, D.C., was a visiting lecturer at the University of Virginia law school, and is a member of the American Law Institute. He is the author of The Limits of Government, published by Regnery Gateway. He lives in Alexandria, Virginia.


Past Shows:

  • Declining Empires / The Death Transition

    Joseph F. Johnston, Jr. discussed and compared declining empires from Rome to America. Julie Ryan reviewed her work as an intuitive and spoke on aspects of the afterlife.More »

Last Night

Pop Music History / Mental Beliefs
Pop Music History / Mental Beliefs
Rich Berra (email) will be joined by music journalist Harvey Kubernik, who'll discuss a variety of rock and pop music subjects. Followed by master hypnotist Jeff Bliss on the subject of beliefs, and how one belief can change everything. According to Jeff, what you think is your...


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