Bruce Leininger

Bruce Leininger


Bruce C. Leininger was born and raised in New Jersey to working class parents. He worked his way through college, graduating with a B.A. from Fairleigh Dickinson University and an M.A. from Columbia University Graduate School. In 1990 he relocated to Dallas, Texas. There he met and married Andrea Scoggin. Career transitions took them to San Francisco, California, where their son James was born in 1998. Bruce is currently a busy corporate executive, working as both President of Accelerated Performance Resources, LLC, an H.R. consulting company he founded in 2002, and as the Director of Human Resources for Rotorcraft Leasing Company.



Past Shows:

  • Reincarnation of a Fighter Pilot

    Bruce & Andrea Leininger shared the story of their young son James who remembered vivid details of a previous life as a World War II pilot, and who many claim is a living example of one of the most compelling cases so far for reincarnation. First hour guest, hypnotherapist...More »

Last Night

Classic Music History / Hypnosis & Mindset
Classic Music History / Hypnosis & Mindset
Music journalist Harvey Kubernik discussed the impact of the Beatles, the resurgence of vinyl, and popularity of music documentaries. Followed by hypnotist Jeff Bliss who talked about hypnosis, rewiring negative triggers, and focusing on desired outcomes.


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