Paul Schatzkin

Paul Schatzkin


Paul Schatzkin has been described variously as a visionary, gadfly, serial entrepreneur, Internet pioneer, staunch McLuhanist, author, and guitarist and songwriter. He was born in New York City and raised in Springsteen Country (Monmouth County, NJ.). He has spent the first two decades of twenty-first century researching and writing two biographies of obscure scientists from the twentieth.



Past Shows:

  • Cybersecurity / Philo T. Farnsworth & T. Townsend Brown

    Cybersecurity expert Julio Rivera discussed dangers lurking in the digital realm. Followed by biographer Paul Schatzkin on inventors Philo T. Farnsworth and T. Townsend Brown and their work in television, nuclear fusion, and antigravity.More »

Last Night

Survival Tips / Earthquake Forecasting
Survival Tips / Earthquake Forecasting
Security specialist Jason Hanson discussed tactics he used as a CIA officer for counterintelligence and surveillance. Followed by researcher Luke Holmquist on earthquake forecasting.


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