Brent Raynes

Brent Raynes


Brent Raynes has been investigating and researching UFOs since 1967. He is the author of Visitors from Hidden Realms and the editor of Alternate Perceptions magazine. Brent has traveled extensively across the US and into Canada interviewing numerous witnesses and researchers. He has taken a comprehensive global and historical perspective on the Ufological landscape. He has also participated in Native American rituals and ceremonies, gaining valuable insights and information from his interactions with these wisdom keepers. Brent is able to make revealing comparisons between the interrelated experiences and disciplines of parapsychology, shamanism, Jungian archetypes and ufology.



Past Shows:

  • Varginha Incident / Hostile UFOs

    Filmmaker James Fox's discussed his new documentary on the Varginha Incident, a 1996 UFO crash in Brazil. Followed by ufologist Brent Raynes on aggressive UFOs, including incidents where people were killed, paralyzed, or burned.More »
  • Strange Anomalies / Paranormal Nexus

    UFO and paranormal investigator Brent Raynes shared anomalous incidents from his casebook. Followed by Sandy Nichols, the founder of Alien Research Group, on strange events on his TN property.More »
  • Mysteries of John Keel / Quantum Remote Viewing

    Brent Raynes discussed the life and work of Mothman Prophecies author John Keel. Douglas James Cottrell conducted a live remote viewing experiment.More »
  • UFO & Psychic Connections

    Paranormal/UFO investigator Brent Raynes discussed his research on the connection between UFOs and psychic experience as well as how shamans induce otherworldly encounters.More »

Last Night

Astrology Aspects / Healthy Lifestyles
Astrology Aspects / Healthy Lifestyles
Astrologer and psychic Tarot reader Inbaal Honigman delved into astrology and personality, astrological compatibility, and Tarot. Followed by Prof Fredrik Nyström who discussed his book "Lighten the load on your shoulders!," which challenges conventional health advice.


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