Joyce Riley

Joyce Riley


Joyce Riley is a Registered Nurse who has been a Director of Nursing of four institutions and has been a heart, lung, liver and kidney transplant nurse. She also served as a Captain in the USAF in support of Operation Desert Storm, flying active duty missions on a C-130 aircraft from Alaska to Cuba. Her experience as a medical-legal testifying expert in medical malpractice trials gave her the background to investigate the truth about the Gulf War Illness. She has since become an advocate for all veterans and citizens experimented upon by the government. Joyce was a whistle-blower in the famous "Baby Death" case in which Nurse Genene Jones, (who now serves a life sentence in the Texas Prison system) was convicted of causing injury to many babies in the Bexar County Hospital in San Antonio, Texas. She presently serves a spokesperson for the American Gulf War Veterans Association.


Past Shows:

  • Art Bell: Somewhere in Time

    Art Bell: Somewhere in Time returned to 9/2/99 when registered military nurse Joyce Riley discussed the problems facing vets.More »
  • Cyberwars & Propaganda

    Author and code developer, Bill Blunden, tracks the cutting edges of technology for both industry and academia. He explained why he believes the cyberwar media campaign is false, and also covered such topics as mass-surveillance systems, and modern propaganda techniques. ...More »
  • Veteran Issues / Superman's Legacy

    In the first half of the show, the treatment of US veterans, and their high rate of suicide, was addressed by two guests, author Dannion Brinkley and advocate Joyce Riley. On the 75th anniversary of his introduction, Superman remains America's most enduring hero, said...More »
  • Body Chemistry & Health

    Research scientist focusing on cellular nutrition, Dr. Robert O. Young discussed what he believes to be the true causes of disease. This led him to develop a new form of biology to help people balance their body chemistry using mostly dietary changes and eliminating...More »
  • Vet Illnesses / Cover-Ups

    In the first half, registered nurse and talk show host, Joyce Riley, talked about war vets' illnesses and increased rate of suicide. In the latter half, comedian, actor, and author Richard Belzer discussed his new book, Dead Wrong, co-written with researcher David Wayne,...More »
  • Vet Illnesses & PTSD

    Registered nurse and talk show host, Joyce Riley, discussed the epidemic of violent & murderous episodes involving Gulf War vets, who have typically not found adequate support from the government. Dr. Doug Rokke, a retired Major of the U.S. Army also joined the conversation. ...More »
  • Planetary Science / Vet Health Issues

    In the first half, Professor Peter Ward discussed his studies of planetary science, Earth, and its turbulent changes, as well as alien worlds. As sea level rises, this creates higher temperatures as the oceans expand. In the latter half of the show, nurse Joyce Riley...More »
  • Art Bell: Somewhere in Time

    Art Bell: Somewhere in Time returned to 12/12/96 when nurse Joyce Riley talked about Gulf War Syndrome.More »
  • Secret Door X

    In the 10th edition of our Secret Door special, three guests made surprise one-hour appearances-- paranormal investigator & author Rosemary Ellen Guiley, storyteller & author Lionel Fanthorpe, and Gulf War Vets advocate, nurse Joyce Riley. First hour guest, investment...More »
  • The Riddle of Existence

    George Noory was joined by Michael Meacher, who is a Labour Member of the Parliament in England, for a discussion on whether human existence is the result of random interactions, or part of an overarching plan generated by some cosmic force. During the first hour,...More »
  • Effects of Hiroshima

    Ian Punnett was joined by scientist and author Charles Pellegrino, who discussed the horrifying days at the end of WWII, after the bombs were dropped in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and revealed the strange physics that occurred just beneath the bomb blasts. Gulf War Vet...More »
  • Nessie & Bigfoot

    Writer and producer Lee Frank discussed his expeditions in search of the Loch Ness monster (Nessie), as well as his investigations into the Bigfoot mystery. Sightings of Nessie date back to 565 AD when a Celtic monk reported seeing the creature. Though a lot of photos of Nessie...More »
  • Fallen Angels & Biblical Prophecy

    UFO researcher and student of ancient manuscripts, L. A. Marzulli shared his views on the Nephilim (fallen angels), aliens, biblical prophecy and the Apocalypse.More »
  • Chemtrails Update

    Research scientist Clifford Carnicom discussed his latest findings in the chemtrail phenomenon. Differentiating chemtrails from contrails, he noted that contrails from jets occur in cold dry air, and unlike chemtrails don't stay visible for long in the sky.More »
  • Strangeness in America

    Robert Schneck, America's historian of the strange, made his debut on the show. The author of The President's Vampire shared bizarre true stories that he's researched and collected.More »
  • Rock Stars & UFOs

    Founder of the Cosmic Majority, Michael Luckman presented stories of various rock stars' obsessions and experiences with UFOs and aliens. Here are some of the tidbits he shared: David Bowie had a telescope mounted on the top of his limousine which he used to search the skies for...More »
  • Education Reform

    Legendary teacher and reformer John Taylor Gatto presented a scathing critique of our compulsory education system. He told how in 1991 when he won the award of New York's Teacher of the Year, he audaciously quit the profession, saying that he could no longer abide by the faulty...More »
  • Ghosts of Gettysburg

    Author Mark Nesbitt shared stories of ghosts and apparitions seen in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania which was host to the bloodiest battle of the Civil War, where approximately 50,000 soldiers lost their lives over a 3-day period. Curiously, even before the battle in 1863, a ghostly...More »
  • Prophetic Visions

    Nostradamus scholar John Hogue returned to the show as the main guest on Monday night. He discussed his new biography of Nostradamus, which he said attempts to sort out the patchwork of myths and facts about the seer's life. One of Nostradamus quatrains offered a far-flung...More »
  • Gulf War II Mystery Illness

    Gulf War Vet advocate Joyce Riley appeared in the first half of Friday's show to discuss the mysterious illness affecting the troops in Iraq. She related details in the case of Josh Neusche, a 20-year soldier who died on July 12, 2003 after going on a "hauling" mission at the...More »
  • Did the US Set Oil Fires in Kuwait?

    Joyce Riley, an activist on behalf of those with Gulf War Illness, presented a shocking indictment of the US government during the first two hours of Friday night's show. She said that five separate Gulf War vets had told her that US troops were responsible for setting the oil...More »
  • A Gulf of Illness

    "What we're looking at is a biological weapon," said Joyce Riley about Gulf War Illness (GWI) in her appearance on Monday night's show. She believes GWI is a communicable disease, with not only spouses and children in families of veterans coming down with symptoms, but their...More »

Last Night

Astrology Aspects / Healthy Lifestyles
Astrology Aspects / Healthy Lifestyles
Astrologer and psychic Tarot reader Inbaal Honigman delved into astrology and personality, astrological compatibility, and Tarot. Followed by Prof Fredrik Nyström who discussed his book "Lighten the load on your shoulders!," which challenges conventional health advice.


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