Lost Bible Secrets

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Lost Bible Secrets


  • Reptoids Update
  • Nephilim & Angels
  • Exodus Revisited
  • About the show

    Prof. Ken Hanson returned to share stories and secrets from lost biblical books. The Dead Sea Scrolls, he believes, likely paint a more accurate picture of early Christianity than do Paul and the New Testament. For Hanson's take on the recently revealed Judas Gospel, view this video clip hosted by his publisher Council Oak Books (requires QuickTime 7.1).

    Some descriptions in ancient books could be referring to ETs or UFOs. For instance-- Judas is described as walking into a glowing cloud and Abraham levitating into the upper atmosphere, Hanson recounted. Regarding the Nephilim (translated as "the fallen ones"), their offspring were said to be giants who devoured humans, and the great flood was sent to destroy them rather than wicked humans, he noted.

    Hanson is fascinated by the story of Exodus and believes that the events might have taken place around the same time as the great volcanic eruption on Santorini (also called Thera) located in the Aegean Sea. The plagues and parting of the sea might have been effects from the eruption, he said. Interestingly, Jeremiah wrote about a civilization on an island continent that was reminiscent of Atlantis, he added.

    First Hour Guests

    In the first half-hour, researcher John Rhodes discussed his exploration into 'reptoids'-- which he described as humanoid beings that reside in underground caverns or caves in remote areas. These muscular creatures' hands have three fingers and a claw and their eyes contain pupils with vertical slits, he said, adding that they may have evolved here on Earth, rather than come from outer space.

    Appearing during the second half-hour, Peter Robbins, the co-author of Left at East Gate, reviewed details of the 1980 Bentwaters UFO case. He described encounters with aliens who appeared outside their craft in the forest, and how afterward, military witnesses underwent 36-48 hours of "programming" by their commanders on the base.

    Bumper Music

    Last Night

    Decoding Dreams / Conspiracy Culture
    Decoding Dreams / Conspiracy Culture
    Modern mystic and author Theresa Cheung shared her insights on the significance of dreams. Followed by David Samuels, the editor of County Highway, who explored the rise of conspiracy theories and their effect on public trust.


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