2008 UFO Conference Special

Hosted byGeorge Noory

2008 UFO Conference Special

About the show

Broadcasting from radio station KXNT in Las Vegas, George Noory and co-host Linda Moulton Howe welcomed guest speakers from the 2008 UFO Conference.

During the first hour, researcher Ryan Wood talked about an MJ-12 document known as the "Burn Memo" (view at Earthfiles.com), as well as the U.S. Government's policy of denial regarding UFOs and how they may be exploiting recovered alien technology.

Expert in non-lethal weaponry, Dr. John Alexander appeared during the second hour. Alexander admitted that we've had "a series of interactions that have impacted the potential for air safety" but expressed doubt about the evidence for crashed alien craft. Alexander said if a corporation or secret government agency had access to recovered alien technology, they would have used it to manipulate the presidential election. Next, Nick Pope, former leader of the UK's UFO Project, shared details from a case about a pilot who was ordered to shoot down a UFO in 1957 (more at Times Online).

In the third hour, political activist Stephen Bassett discussed the need for UFO/ET disclosure and the Sci Fi Channel's Coalition for Freedom of Information. He said the choice of John Podesta as co-chairman of President-elect Barack Obama's transition team is not an accident, and believes the "Democrats have been planning to do disclosure under a Democratic Administration." Author Richard Dolan discussed some of the best evidence for UFO phenomenon and extraterrestrial biological entities.

Also appearing during the program were Joshua P. Warren, who gave an update on the Bigfoot Hoax Costume sale on eBay in the first hour, and Dr. Roger Leir, who made a brief appearance in the second hour to promote his upcoming television pilot on alien implant surgery. The last hour was a replay of Open Lines from 1/11/08, featuring audio from George's interview with Larry Haber, attorney for the family of alleged time traveler John Titor.

Bumper Music

Last Night

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Astrology Aspects / Healthy Lifestyles
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