Driving Out Demons / First Female Pharaoh

Hosted byRichard Syrett

Driving Out Demons / First Female Pharaoh

About the show

Author Danny Frigulti is a deliverance minister who has encountered over 100 demon-possession situations and slept in a haunted house to drive out demons. In the first half, he joined Richard Syrett (Twitter) to discuss several possession cases and share audio clips of the demonically possessed. As to what demons may be, he said that disembodied spirits of the Nephilim are one possibility or explanation. But what is necessary for him is that when he goes into a situation with demonic activity, he has authority in the name of Jesus to pray for the afflicted person and drive out the evil spirit. He also tries to ensure that all "occult objects" and related books are eliminated, as he considers occult activity, such as witchcraft and the Ouija board to be an entry point for demonic infestation.

There are also cases of "generational transference" with family members being afflicted over the years, he said. In some instances, many demons can infest a person at the same time, and he has spent up to nine months removing these entities from an individual. He described witnessing the expulsion of demons, which can take different forms and shapes. These include very small people perhaps a foot and a half tall, an expanding cloud, a funnel of dark gray air coming out of the mouth, and a wide and flat entity that exploded out of the bottom of a leg. Frigulti stated that he conducts a prayer in advance so that the expelled demons cannot return to a household or family members. The audio he presented of the possessed included a bizarre set of multiple voices said to simultaneously emerge from a single person who was unconscious and a woman who produced growling savage sounds reminiscent of a big cat.


Sobekneferu was ancient Egypt's first female ruler, but why was her reign all but forgotten? Author Andrew Collins has pieced together her lost history and, in the latter half, examined her achievements as ruler, the temples and ruins associated with her, and her continuing impact on ancient Egypt after her reign. Sobekneferu ruled for four years around 1,800 BC in the Twelfth Dynasty and was associated with the crocodile god Sobek, whom she revered and believed should be worshiped in a monotheistic fashion, he detailed.

Initially, Sobekneferu ruled with her brother Amenemhat IV and may have been involved in killing him off in a dispute over the borders of the country being too open under his reign, Collins shared. Indeed, two generations after her passing, Egypt fell and was taken over by Asiatic peoples who ruled from the north part of the country. He spoke about how the pyramid believed to be associated with Sobekneferu was positioned to align with the setting of Eltanin, the brightest star in the constellation of Draco, which in ancient Egypt was viewed as the celestial form of Sobek. Collins also talked about how famed Dracula writer Bram Stoker crafted his novel "The Jewel of Seven Stars" around the life of Sobekneferu.

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Last Night

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