Christmas Miracles

Hosted byConnie Willis

Christmas Miracles

About the show

On our live Christmas Eve show, Connie Willis (info) chatted with morning radio host in Cleveland, Ohio, Trapper Jack, remote viewer Lyn Buchanan, and tracked Santa's location throughout the night. Trapper Jack has for 20 years been compiling stories of amazing synchronicities-- accounts that defy logic and often include real-life narratives of what appear to be angelic interventions, healings, and miracles. He shared his interpretations of the miraculous story of Jesus, Mary, and the Three Wise Men. "God is the original paranormal. I mean, manna from heaven, you've got parting the Red Sea, you've gotten miraculous healings," Trapper Jack commented. He spoke about Mary's immaculate conception and how Jesus was born in Bethlehem, which translates as house of bread. Jesus later referred to himself as the living bread from heaven. 

Trapper Jack noted that Jesus was born into poverty, "under the radar," so he could be away from the watchful eyes of the "evil one." The Wise Men may have been following angels to get to the stables, who appeared like stars to guide their way, he continued. 

He also shared some of the stories of miracles he collected, including audio of a pastor in Texas, who suffered from a virus that attacked his throat and made him sound hoarse for years. The pastor was temporarily teaching a Bible study class when his voice was suddenly healed during his recitation of Psalm 104, which states that God heals all diseases.


In the first hour, Lyn Buchanan, a retired Sergeant First Class who served in the US Army and is a founding member of the Intl. Remote Viewing Association talked about remote viewing ETs, and the future. In 1998, he was tasked with looking at the future of the United States, and the world situation up to the year 2015, but he ended up getting information through 2060. Buchanan said he foresaw that in the year 2020 something would cause people to separate from each other, and communication would be done mainly by technology rather than in person. His most dire prediction was that "by the year 2040, a series of man-made natural disasters is going to happen...where over 75% of the human population is going to be wiped out." Russia could unleash one such disaster, he warned, as they have "earthquake weapons" that could cause tsunamis to hit America's East Coast. 

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Last Night

Naturopathic Medicine / Astrology of 2025
Naturopathic Medicine / Astrology of 2025
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