Financial Grab / NATO's UFO Incident

Hosted byRichard Syrett

Financial Grab / NATO's UFO Incident

About the show

What if you don’t really own what you think you own? Your home. Your assets. Your investments. Even your own inventions and intellectual property. If some folks have their way, according to Mel Mattison, that could be the situation millions of folks find themselves in. And, he explained to Richard Syrett (Twitter) in the first half, this isn’t a conspiracy theory; it’s a real, legal framework that could strip everyone of everything they own, and force them to rent it back. “Primarily, what we’re talking about are things like stocks and bonds that you or I may think we own. We actually do not own them. They are owned by a supernational type entity, a company known as the Depository Trust Clearing Corporation, in the United States,” Mattison said. “And there are other, similar entities around the world in places like Europe, Canada, that actually own all these assets and, under certain conditions, creditors or people that are associated with these companies… (may have) a legal claim for these assets.”

According to Mattison, the writer David Roger Webb, who wrote about these issues in his book, The Great Taking, recognized the problem while working as a hedge fund manager. Webb began to see the very plausible and real possibility that, in the event of economic distress how this might play out. The individual doesn’t even have to make bad financial decisions to lose everything they’ve invested in over the course of a lifetime, said Mattison. “This is what led to (housing market issues) in 2008/2009,” he continued. “It wasn’t the fact that people were getting their houses foreclosed upon that caused the financial stress. It was the fact that banks and brokers had financialized these assets and created trillions of dollars of derivatives, synthetic mortgage obligations… and all these types of crazy instruments that were essentially bets on the mortgage market, and bets at multiples of the actual value of the mortgages, that threaten the financial system.” There have been some attempts to unravel this system, he conceded. Tennessee and South Dakota have both considered bills that would protect asset owners, but the Tennessee bill never advanced, and the portion of the South Dakota bill addressing this type of action was removed, and the rest of the bill was ultimately vetoed by the governor, he reported. But Mattison feels there is still hope for progress, concluding, “I think the more educated we get, and the more we get legislators who care about these types of issues and freedom, then we can start to make headway.”  


UFO researcher Chris Styles has spent years researching the Shag Harbour Incident and other classic UFO cases of the Canadian Atlantic region. But in his newest book, Sweep Clear 5: NATO’s UFO Encounter, he discusses another little-known UFO crash into the ocean off the Canadian coast – one so well buried, and so close in proximity to Shag Harbour, that he and others initially thought it was just confused, new, or follow-up information related to that incident. What he uncovered, however, predated the 1967 Shag Harbour Incident. It also nearly created an international incident during the paranoia-fueled Cold War era. He explained that this 1960 occurrence, off the coast of Shelburne, Nova Scotia, came to his attention when following up on Shag Harbour. “During the first year or so of my reinvestigation into the Shag Harbour Incident, I kept hearing stories… of an earlier incident. The only trouble was, none of these men could ever name a date or were unwilling to name the ships they were affixed to at the time in the mission.” Because they talked about it as an incident near Shelburn, and Shag Harbour is in Shelburne County, he thought they were discussing Shag Harbour. But over time, he learned that they were referring to this other incident. “They say, by the time we got to Shag Harbour the incident was largely over,” Styles explained. “The UFOs had gotten away, but these men would go on to claim… that they joined a NATO mission (and) came face-to-face with aliens under the water.”

Styles feels like some of the men involved were either merging the details after so much time, after all, in 1994, when he spoke to them, they were already more than 30 years out from the original incident, or they were worried about speaking freely of this more fantastic incident. He was eventually able to learn that the incident started with a mine sweeping exercise, he said, “when they realize they’re over something in the water and it turns out to be two USOs (unidentified submersible objects), and they send divers down who actually came face-to-face with aliens in the water.” Discussions about the incident among Canadian sailors eventually led to a confrontation with a U.S. protocol officer aboard who didn’t like his NATO colleagues conversing so freely about what he called a “Russian sub” and a counter warning from the Canadian sailor that “this Red Menace is not from the Black Sea or Moscow” and that attempts to “go John Wayne on it” could lead to unintended consequences.

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