Manifestation & Transformation / Energy of the Cosmos

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Manifestation & Transformation / Energy of the Cosmos

About the show

In the first half of Sunday's show, transformational coach and best-selling author Landria Onkka shared the secret for manifesting miracles and breaking through fear. According to Onkka, the biggest limiting factor in life is fear, defined by the stifling stories our egos tell us. She claimed that challenging these stories is the first step of manifestation. "Ego wants to dictate everything, and so I always say, 'Why not me?'" she stated. On her quest to become a published writer, she realized the importance of moving past doubt by opening up to all possibilities, which exist not outside ourselves, but within us. Onkka told listeners they are both "creation and the creator," and that desires often fail to manifest when people see what they want as detached from the soul. "If you're begging and praying to something out there, then you're not engaged in the manifestation itself," Onkka said. "You can't attract anything to you unless you're in alignment with it."

She spoke about spiritual bondage as well, recounting the story of her late father whose ghost couldn't pass on while clinging to earthly fears and desires. When sharing her view on the afterlife, she claimed, "We get so wrapped up in the material world, you can actually inhibit your ability to go to that beautiful space." After assuring her father's spirit that he had left her enough and that she was going to be okay, Onkka recalled how his presence departed. On the subject of materialism, she also talked about lottery winners who were still miserable after their windfalls. These people would come to her for advice on how to manifest happiness, and her responses were consistent and straightforward: chasing after external pleasures is futile when contentment already exists within all of us. Speaking about this emotional blindspot, she explained, "We are like beggars, walking around with jewels in our pockets."

Onkka expanded on the idea that we hold the power of the creator, which is a key concept in her book Break Through Fear. "We're always told it's wrong… [and] it's blasphemous to think you hold that power," she admitted, while insisting that manifestation is in our control. Onkka believes fear is not something to be conquered or eliminated, but rather something to guide us. "We can use fear," she said. "It's a powerful emotion that is part of the program here… [to] realize everything's exactly the way it should be."


In the second half, author and documentarian Barbara DeLong revealed how the energies of the cosmos are shifting and destabilizing humanity. She sees the modern age as a time of awakening where humanity has received more energy and insight than we can handle, not knowing how to harness this power productively. "Our consciousnesses are expanding, and yet we don't have the stability we had 20-30 years ago," she explained. "We're recognizing that we've been used and abused, and so there's anger." DeLong believes our species is headed towards near-extinction in roughly 1,000 years. She spoke about how there are extraterrestrials among us, awaiting our self-destruction. "They were here before we were, and I do think that they're watching," she admitted, but added that she doesn't think they're interfering with us.

Talking more about aliens, she recounted witnessing a UFO over her college campus in the 1960s. A late-night radio report alerted her to a mysterious airborne object sighted near Eastern Michigan University. After going outside to investigate, she spotted a "dish" with glowing lights rising up into the sky, then swooping over her dorm. "There was no air displacement, there was no sound," she recalled. "It was gone, and people were screaming. People were hysterical." This experience sparked her interest in cosmic energies and the spiritual world.

DeLong told listeners of an oracle deck she developed called the Cosmic Deck of Initiation. It features 52 cards decorated with mandalas — sacred geometric symbols found in Hindu and Buddhist tantric traditions. She described her desire to create something that "would help someone who was on a spiritual journey, trying to tap into the spirit that they carry within them." Users can consult her guidebook on the deck to derive meaning from each spread. DeLong hopes this tool will help others find inner peace in a chaotic world. When asked about when the current cosmic instability will subside, she predicted that "it's not going to come as fast as we would like." According to her, our salvation lies in our willingness to explore our creative potential. "Once you get the creativity flowing in your life, life takes on a beautiful aura," she stated.

News segment guests: Charles R. Smith, Sandra Champlain



The first Sunday of every month, George Noory presents emerging artists for some of our bumper music selections. Tonight, we heard from Andrew Binder, Jakob Drummond, Shaun Knighton, Ryan Heflin, True Believers, Thomas Segers, and Charles Ostman. For more info on how to submit your own original music, visit this page.

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