Energy Healing / Open Lines

Hosted byRich Berra

Energy Healing / Open Lines

About the show

In the first half, transformational leader Shenal Arimilli joined guest host Rich Berra (email) to discuss the intersection of energy, frequency, and wellbeing. Diagnosed with breast cancer at 42, Arimilli faced an 11-year battle that led her to healing methods beyond traditional medicine. "Cancer just spoke to me so loud," she shared, describing it as a wake-up call she could no longer ignore amid her busy life. She explored many different healing modalities, including integrative and Ayurvedic medicine, but discovered that real recovery comes from confronting emotional and spiritual issues. "We inherit the unhealed stories from our past," she explained. Arimilli told listeners about her "ATM process," where 'A' stands for awareness of heavy emotional energy, 'T' for transformation of this energy, and 'M' for manifestation of positive forces in our lives. "The challenge I face... is that people want to jump to the 'M' first," she noted, stressing that true transformation requires first recognizing the underlying problems holding us back.

"Everything in the universe is energy," Arimilli emphasized. "Energy cannot be created or destroyed; it can only be changed from one state to another." According to her, unprocessed emotions like grief and anger create dense, rigid energy within us, akin to an ice cube in a freezer. To facilitate change, she said that one must "take the ice cube out of the freezer and bring it into the warmth of [one's] hands," allowing it to transform into water, which symbolizes emotional fluidity and healing. To help individuals facing difficult decisions, Arimilli suggested using one's breath as a tool to connect with deeper emotions and guidance. "Our breath actually moves energy... it connects us deeper to our being," she said. She also quoted Nikola Tesla, saying, "If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration."


The second half started off with Steve Kates, aka Dr. Sky, who discussed current solar activity and its potential implications. He noted the Sun's active region 3784, which could produce another significant flare rivaling the Carrington Event of 1859 that caused telegraph lines to spark and burn. Dr. Sky also mentioned the increased number of satellites in Earth's low orbit, raising concerns about potential collisions in space. "We're talking about maybe 20- to 30,000 objects," he explained. The conversation also touched on the recent conjunction of Jupiter and Mars, lunar exploration, UAPs, and time travel.

The program ended with Open Lines, where listeners called in to share topics of interest. Cornelius from Louisiana expressed concern over the implications of AI and government regulations, particularly the upcoming requirement for a "real ID" to travel. He linked this to biblical themes of control and warned listeners to be cautious of a "mark of the beast" scenario.

Stick from Phoenix spoke about his idea for a website dedicated to political issues that would allow users to send messages to millions and provide a platform for unbiased political discourse. Hope from North Carolina shared her frustration with bright headlights from cars affecting her eyesight, while also discussing broader societal issues, including chemtrails.

Bond from Wyoming talked about life beyond Earth, citing historical events and pop culture references like The X-Files. He recounted his childhood experience as a postal clerk on the Navajo reservation and expressed a desire to create a commemorative stamp to honor Native Americans.

Bumper Music

Last Night

Self-Love & Relationships / Differences Between Men and Women
Self-Love & Relationships / Differences Between Men and Women
Transformational leader Shenal Arimilli discussed the importance of self-love and its impact on relationships. Followed by communication and relationship expert Dr. John Gray who delved into the biological and psychological differences between men and women.


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