Mark Biltz

Mark Biltz


Mark Biltz, founder of El Shaddai Ministries in Washington State, is a well-known and popular commentator on the feasts of the Lord. Pastor Biltz has spoken at congregations and conferences in Sweden, Germany, Switzerland, and Canada as well as throughout the United States. He has been interviewed by FOX television, appeared on the Sid Roth television broadcast as well as on Prophecy in the News explaining how the Messianic prophecies revealed when Jesus came the first time and how heavenly signs point to a major event that will happen on the next fall feasts. Pastor Mark lives in Bonney Lake, Washington, with Vicki, his wife and best friend of thirty-six years.




Past Shows:

  • Eclipse & Prophecy / Alien Abductions

    Pastor Mark Biltz shared his belief that the upcoming total solar eclipse portends war and disaster. Followed by channeling medium Christopher Macklin on his work with alien abductees.More »
  • Antichrist & Biblical Prophecy / Bigfoot

    Founder of El Shaddai Ministries Mark Biltz updated his work on how the Antichrist will work through modern technology and AI to control the world. Followed by researcher Matt Moneymaker on the Bigfoot phenomenon.More »
  • Brink of the Apocalypse / Dogman & Cryptids

    Biblical commentator Mark Biltz argued that the Antichrist will use AI to control the world, and predicted economic calamity and a major war. Followed by cryptozoologist Ken Gerhard on Bigfoot, the Chupacabras, and Dogmen.More »
  • Antichrist & the Eclipse / Evolution & Intelligent Design

    Mark Biltz spoke on celestial signs and prophecy. Dr. Geoffrey Simmons described and defended the concept of intelligent design.More »
  • Antichrist Perspectives / Antarctica & Secret Space Force

    Mark Biltz shared perspectives on the Antichrist and prophecy. Followed by Michael Salla on Antarctica and developments with the 'secret space program.'More »
  • Prophecy & Blood Moon/ Reincarnation & Souls

    Mark Biltz discussed the prophetic implications of the next 'Blood Moon.' Followed by Linda Backman on her research of reincarnation and souls.More »
  • Prophecy & Eclipses/ Reptilians & Gods

    Pastor Mark Biltz connected solar eclipses with biblical prophecy and war. Followed by author Betsey Lewis on the Reptilian agenda.More »
  • Spirituality & Abundance/ Blood Moons & Prophecy

    In the first half, entrepreneur and author May McCarthy, who has founded and grown several successful companies in a variety of industries, talked about how to develop spirituality to thrive in business and life. In the latter half, Pastor Mark Biltz of El Shaddai...More »
  • 9-11 Puzzles

    After a nearly thirty year airline career working as both a flight attendant and an international purser Rebekah Roth analyzed many of the well-known facts about the events on 9-11 based on her experiences in the airline industry. She has concluded that the official story was a...More »
  • Nuclear Apocalypse / Blood Moons

    In the first half, author and publisher Bob Gleason discussed his extensive research into a possible nuclear apocalypse, and how current events are aligning to provide a real possibility of a nuclear event in the United States. In the latter half, Pastor Mark Biltz of El...More »
  • Celestial Prophecies

    Pastor Mark Biltz joined guest host Rob Simone (email) for a discussion on how to understand the divine link between prophecy, heavenly signs, historical events, and when they intersect. In the first hour, professor Jim Bell comments on an image of a disintegrating asteroid...More »

Last Night

Naturopathic Medicine / Astrology of 2025
Naturopathic Medicine / Astrology of 2025
Teacher Dr. Lynn Lafferty discussed naturopathic medicine, healthcare, and supplements. Followed by astrologer Constance Stellas with insights about astrology, including its use as a guidance tool.


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