Starr Casas

Starr Casas


Starr Casas is a old style Rootworker or Conjure Doctor as evidenced in her teachings and books. Casas decided not to add a title to her name but her clients gave her the name Mama Starr as an honor and a show of respect. Casas tries to live in a way where she honors her ancestors and the clients that come to her for help.

The term root doctor has a lot to do with the saying, "He will put the 'roots' on you," meaning you will be crossed up, jinxed, or hoodooed. Roots are also one of the main staples of a conjure doctor or any rootworker. Roots are often added to mojo bags, spiritual baths and washes. She has performed work in removing crossed conditions, setting conjure vigils, spiritual foot washing, jinx removing, money work, and honey jars.



Past Shows:

  • Dorothy Kilgallen & JFK / Conjure & Folk Magic

    Investigative reporter Mark Shaw shared revelations about the death of celebrated journalist Dorothy Kilgallen. Followed by conjure woman, Starr Casas on divination and protection rituals.More »
  • Conjure & Folk Magic

    Conjure woman Starr Casas discussed aspects of conjure divination and how it can be used to protect and take care of your family. Open Lines followed.More »
  • Practical Occultism/ Southern Conjuring

    Author Mitch Horowitz discussed what works with magic and the occult. Conjure woman Starr Casas shared rituals of Conjure and folk magic.More »

Last Night

Financial Forecast / Sasquatch Communications
Financial Forecast / Sasquatch Communications
Author and currency specialist Kristen Ragusin discussed the current economic climate, and the impact of Bitcoin. Followed by Sasquatch communicator Brian Bland on his enigmatic encounters.


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