A Medium's Forecast

Hosted byGeorge Noory


A Medium's Forecast


  • Unusual Readings
  • Predictions: 2005
  • The Gift of Mediumship
  • About the show

    Hans Christian King, an internationally acclaimed direct voice medium, shared his predictions for 2005 which he garnered from his four spirit guides. He expressed strong concerns over the prospect of terrorism in the U.S. in the coming year or in the first part of 2006, with a dirty bomb possibly being used. The biggest threat to the American economy though, is the deficit, which if not addressed could bankrupt the country, he said.

    King stated there will be a major government scandal involving the President in the next five or six months as well as revelations concerning election voting fraud. Other predictions included:

    -The hurricane season will be about the same as the one in 2004
    -Gas prices will stay within 50¢ of where they are now.
    -The National Hockey League will probably not have a season.
    -This will be the Pope's last year in his position.

    He also spoke about some of his more unusual readings such as one with a Los Angeles screenwriter whose deceased father communicated through him his suggestions for an entire script his son was working on (which later became a well-known film). In another case, the spirit of a departed father spoke to King as he was walking in San Francisco, and told him to go into a restaurant and tell his son "Mikey" not to commit suicide, which he was able to do.


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