Destiny & the Nephilim

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Destiny & the Nephilim


  • Arrival of the Nephilim
  • Possible Outcomes
  • Suspended Animation
  • About the show

    Author Michael Tsarion returned to expound on his theories about the Nephilim and their genetic experiments with humans. Based on his studies of Celtic, Indian and other ancient mythologies and apocryphal texts like the Book of Enoch, he concluded that the Nephilim came to Earth thousands of years ago, setting themselves up on the continent of Atlantis, after they were ousted from their own star system.

    They were being pursued by another race, who after finding them here, put up a kind of quarantine "membrane" around the Earth, so that the Nephilim could not leave, he said. Tsarion believes that some of the genetic descendants of the Nephilim (created through a mixing of their genes with humans) have been working towards breaking this barrier, using various types of technology. The next 10 years is likely to reveal an outcome to this struggle, with various destinies possible at this point, he shared. Additionally, he suggested that some of the original pure-bred Nephilim still exist in a form of suspended animation, and were buried in Iraq, waiting to be revived.

    Tsarion also touched on his work with divination techniques. In addition to running an online school teaching these skills, he has introduced a new numerology website,, where people can plug in their birthdate and receive forecasts. In his prognostication mode, Tsarion predicted the downfall of Pres. Bush through a major scandal soon to arise, and the eventual presidential election of Hillary Clinton in 2008.

    Zarqawi Update

    First half-hour guest, Douglas Hagmann of the Northeast Intelligence Network discussed the possible injury of insurgent leader Abu Musab Zarqawi in Iraq. There is rampant speculation about whether Zarqawi's wounds are genuine-- it could just be part of a power struggle and/or disinformation campaign, he suggested.

    Bumper Music

    Last Night

    Symbols, AI, & Fallen Angels / Witchcraft & Tarot
    Symbols, AI, & Fallen Angels / Witchcraft & Tarot
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