Fear of Sleeping

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Fear of Sleeping


  • Walk-In Spirits
  • Green Thing w/ Wings & Old Hag
  • Black Holes & Somniphobia
  • About the show

    During Open Lines George offered a 'somniphobia' hotline for callers who fear going to bed or falling asleep. Lyle said he gets only one or two hours of sleep a night due to nightmares he's been having about a post-apocalyptic America. In his dreams, the U.S. government has been overthrown and the country is in chaos. Lyle claims to be so troubled by these visions that he now sleeps in a van in his backyard, where he feels safe and can more easily defend himself.

    Austin in Hermosa Beach, CA shared how he was able to treat a cancerous tumor using meditation. He said he visualized a faucet attached to the tumor and then imagined turning the faucet off. Austin claimed this psychic exercise actually cut off the blood flow to his tumor, which later turned white and fell off. Tina in Sanford, FL maintained that her grandmother phoned five years after she had died to give Tina's mother one last message: "Tell the kids I love them."

    Russ in Arizona shared an experience his two-year-old granddaughter is having with an 'imaginary' creature. According to Russ, she can see a scary green thing with wings tromping through the flower garden and flying in the sky. Because of past experiences, Russ said he's not convinced the creature is entirely make believe. Other callers included Casey, who talked about an Old Hag encounter, and Keith, a trucker from Texas, who claimed to have seen a chupacabra while driving one night.


    In the first hour, galactic healers Galeeshea Mikael and Raheem Kadash (website) presented information about "Walk-Ins," or spirits who by mutual agreement switch places within a person's physical body. The incoming soul takes responsibility for the body, Mikael explained, while the departing soul moves on to other non-physical realms.

    Mikael and Kadash also shared their own experience as Walk-Ins. Mikael claimed to be the second Walk-In to inhabit her current body. Kadash said he was killed and shared the physical body he presently inhabits with the original soul, Ross, who later walked out.

    Bumper Music

    Last Night

    Classic Music History / Hypnosis & Mindset
    Classic Music History / Hypnosis & Mindset
    Music journalist Harvey Kubernik discussed the impact of the Beatles, the resurgence of vinyl, and popularity of music documentaries. Followed by hypnotist Jeff Bliss who talked about hypnosis, rewiring negative triggers, and focusing on desired outcomes.


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