Death of Marilyn Monroe / Psychic Tips

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Death of Marilyn Monroe / Psychic Tips

About the show

In the first half, investigative reporter and author Mark Shaw discussed the suspicious death of Marilyn Monroe 59 years ago on August 4, 1962, adding new updates to the case that at the time was declared to be a probable suicide. The columnist Dorothy Kilgallen (who died under similar circumstances to Monroe in 1965) wrote a story about Marilyn being on the upswing and excited about a new romance. This column was published just one day before her death, Shaw noted. Additionally, Marilyn's masseuse said that when he worked on her just a week before her death, she'd been in great shape and was thrilled to have her own house. In August of '62, she was offered four films and a Broadway play, which was one of her dreams, Shaw added. Yet she may have been angered by how she was treated by powerful men at a recent gathering at the Cal Neva Lodge, he continued, and then proceeded to threaten Bobby Kennedy that she was going to spill secrets to the press about the Kennedys.

A woman named Donna from Massachusetts contacted Shaw with new information, including how the Kennedys visited her family's ski area years ago. One night her father was entertaining friends from the Mafia, and she asked them if they knew what happened to Marilyn. They told her that two of their associates went to her home after Bobby Kennedy had left the window open of her bedroom, so they could easily get in. Shaw also talked to a niece of Joe DiMaggio named Joan, who said that on the night Marilyn died, she was on the phone with Joan's mother, speaking about DiMaggio wanting to remarry her. During the call, Joan's mother heard intruders entering Marilyn's home and overcome her, he detailed. For more on the connections between Monroe's death and the demises of Dorothy Kilgallen and JFK, see the recaps of Shaw's appearances from June 3rd and June 30th. Also, view our poll conducted on Twitter.


Jennifer Wallens has been a trusted certified psychic medium and pet psychic for over 25 years. In the latter half, she spoke about her various areas of expertise, including spotting fraudulent psychics and mediums, how to tune in to what your pet is trying to tell you, and guidance from deceased loved ones. Being a medium is a sacred calling, and people should be especially wary of those strictly out to make money, she remarked. Sometimes those grieving over the loss of a loved one are particularly susceptible to being preyed upon by unscrupulous individuals. If the medium suggests there's a family curse, or they need to return for additional readings, one should suspect fraud, she warned. Wallens is offering a free ebook on how to spot dishonest psychics to those who sign-up for her newsletter.

She talked about her experiences on the "Battle of the Psychics" TV show which was filmed in Ukraine in 2010-11, and how she underwent some 38 different challenges competing against psychics, mediums, witches, and shamans from all over the world. Regarding the afterlife or the Other Side, Wallens characterized it as a reflection of what the person wants it to be-- what they love or desire, such as movies, concerts, libraries, or hanging out with loved ones. Pet communications often come through during her readings for people that are animal lovers. One of the most unusual was a boa constrictor for a client of hers in Las Vegas. Wallens also shared a few predictions for the year ahead. She foresees a large quake in California, possibly in November or sooner. COVID will be with us for another year, she added, but will begin to dissipate slowly in the months ahead.

News segment guests: John M. Curtis, Charles Coppes

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