Robert Zimmerman

Robert Zimmerman


Robert Zimmerman is an award-winning space historian, writing articles and books on issues of science, history, technology, and culture. He reports on science, space, culture, and politics at his website Behind The Black. His newest book, "Conscious Choice," describes the origins of slavery in the British colonies in North America, and how the lessons of that story will directly impact future colonies on Mars. His last book, "The Universe in a Mirror: the Saga of the Hubble Space Telescope and the Visionaries Who Built It" (Princeton University Press) tells the sometimes heartbreaking story of the men and women who conceived, designed, built, screwed up, fixed, and then used the Hubble Space Telescope.

His previous book, "Leaving Earth: Space Stations, Rival Superpowers, and the Quest for Interplanetary Travel," was awarded the Eugene M. Emme Award by the American Astronautical Society for the best popular space history in 2003. In 2000 he was co-winner of the David N. Schramm Award, given by the High Energy Astrophysic Division of the American Astronomical Society for Science Journalism.



Past Shows:

  • Space Exploration / NDEs & Spirituality

    Science journalist Robert Zimmerman shared updates on space exploration, the ISS, and SpaceX. Followed by author Jacob Cooper on NDEs, grief, and mental health.More »
  • Space Updates / Reincarnation & Animals

    Science journalist Robert Zimmerman shared space news. Followed by researcher David Barreto on the spirit realm and animal reincarnation.More »
  • Demographics & The Future / Space Exploration

    Demographer and generational marketing expert Ken Gronbach shared a forecast for the years ahead. Followed by science journalist Robert Zimmerman with the latest space exploration news.More »
  • Billionaires in Space / Demonic Spirits

    Historian Robert Zimmerman gave updates on private space projects by billionaires such as Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk. Followed by professional psychic Jeffrey Seelman on the rise of negative spirit activity.More »
  • Developments in Space / Pandemic Dreams

    Science journalist Robert Zimmerman discussed private space enterprise and shared commentary on COVID-19. Followed by Deirdre Barrett, Ph.D. on her research into pandemic dreams.More »
  • Hydration Breakthroughs / Space Travel

    Gina Bria discussed breakthroughs in drinking water and hydration. Followed by updates from space historian Robert Zimmerman.More »
  • Apollo 8 / Past Lives & Spiritual Evolution

    Robert Zimmerman discussed the Apollo 8 mission, as it nears its 50th anniversary. Followed by Michael Goddart on his many past lives.More »
  • Alien Agendas

    Derek Tyler discussed terrifying accounts and research on aliens, their agenda, and his life of being a military abductee.More »
  • Parasites & Microbes/ Space Exploration

    Kathleen McAuliffe revealed how parasites can manipulate the brain chemistry of humans. Followed by Robert Zimmerman on the latest in space exploration.More »
  • Giants & Stargates/ Future of Space Exploration

    Researcher Timothy Alberino talked about such topics as giants. Followed by space historian Robert Zimmerman on space developments in 2017.More »
  • Space News/ Earth's Singular Life

    In the first half, space historian Robert Zimmerman provided updates on the latest space news, including the SpaceX accident. During the latter half, astronomer and physicist Hugh Ross outlined the list of astronomical, geological, chemical, and biological conditions...More »
  • Space Exploration & Developments

    Space historian Robert Zimmerman reported on current space exploration and technology stories, including news about a mysterious object hitting Jupiter, the innovations of private space companies, and updates on missions to Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.More »
  • Microbial Life/ Space News

    Dr. Bill Miller, a physician in academic and private practice for over 30 years, discussed how the self is composed of a vast interdependent network of cells and microbial ecologies. In the latter half, space historian and C2C Science Advisor Robert Zimmerman provided...More »
  • Bohemian Grove/ Exopolitics

    In the first half, author and media analyst who specializes in exposing secret societies and the New World Order, Mark Dice, discussed the secretive and strange Bohemian Grove, the elite men's club hidden deep within a 2700-acre redwood forest in Northern California. In the...More »
  • Space News/ Cryptid Sightings

    In the first half, space historian and science journalist Robert Zimmerman discussed the many events happening in space right now including Rosetta and Philae at Comet 67P, Dawn at Ceres, and New Horizons approaching Pluto. In the latter half, cryptozoology instructor at...More »
  • Baltimore Riots/ Hubble & Space Exploration

    In the first half, political commentator and economist John Lott reacted to the breaking news on the riots in Baltimore, which arose in the aftermath of the death of Freddie Gray. In the latter half, space historian Robert Zimmerman reflected on the 25th anniversary of the...More »
  • Bigfoot Hunting & Research

    In the middle two hours, Jim Lansdale and Bobby Hamilton of the the Gulf Coast Bigfoot Research Organization (GCBRO) discussed their work researching and hunting Bigfoot. First hour guest, space historian Robert Zimmerman talked about the Air Force's unmanned clandestine...More »
  • Global Consciousness

    During the middle two hours, futurist and researcher Stephan Schwartz talked about non-local consciousness and how a simple change in mindset can have a profound effect on the world around us. In the first hour, space historian Robert Zimmerman shared his thoughts on NASA...More »
  • Space News / Extinctions

    In the first half, space historian Robert Zimmerman shared an update on commercial space exploration, as well as talked about the sun's inactivity. At the current time, he's not concerned about a solar flare doing the Earth harm, as the sun is not producing sunspots in great...More »
  • Economy Roundtable

    This special panel discussion on the economy and related topics featured investment advisor Catherine Austin Fitts, trends analyst Gerald Celente, and consultant George Ure. Currently, the financial system is still being pumped with cheap money, such as $45 billion a month in...More »
  • Climate Fraud / Surveillance & NSA

    In the first half, space historian Robert Zimmerman contended that fraud and dishonesty have permeated the sciences of climate and environmental studies, including scientists at NASA and NOAA manipulating the temperature records. In the latter half, private investigator...More »
  • Lost Civilizations & Mysteries

    Adventurer, author and investigator Graham Hancock discussed evidence for a lost great civilization that may have existed as far back as 20,000 years ago, and had sophisticated abilities and technologies. First hour guest, space historian Robert Zimmerman talked about two...More »
  • Conspiracies, Cover-Ups, & Crises

    Peace activist, webmaster and talk show host, Michael Rivero, discussed a variety of controversial topics including TWA 800, the JFK assassination, health and environmental issues, and an impending financial crisis that is facing the world. In the first hour, space...More »
  • Past Lives & Metaphysics

    Dr. George Schwimmer discussed how the death of his son David set him off on a metaphysical path, and his investigations into Edgar Cayce, altered states of consciousness, shamanism, and the ancient civilization of Mu (Lemuria). First hour guest, space historian Robert...More »
  • Supernormal Abilities

    Scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences, Dean Radin, discussed his latest research into the extraordinary powers of the mind, and enlightened beings. Various 'supernormal' powers, called siddhis, were described in classical yoga texts and included everything from telepathy...More »
  • Bio-Communication & Memory

    Doctor of cognition and neuroscience, Gerald Epling, discussed his work on phenomenal bio-communication which measures and records the energy responses to plants in various conditions as well as responses of one life form to another. In the first hour, space historian...More »
  • Space News / The Jinn

    In the first half, space historian Robert Zimmerman discussed space-related topics in the news, such as the recent test flight of Virgin Galactic's SpaceShipTwo. In the latter half, ufologist and editor of Unicus Magazine, Robert Stanley, argued that Middle-Eastern shadow...More »
  • War Trends

    Author and adventurer Robert Young Pelton discussed global war trends, his experiences working with private military contractors, as well as geopolitical hot spots. First hour guest, space historian Robert Zimmerman reacted to NASA's announcement that they will not lead...More »
  • Men in Black Phenomenon

    Ufologist and researcher Nick Redfern joined John B. Wells for a discussion on the Men in Black phenomenon. In the first hour, space researcher Robert Zimmerman talked about SpaceX's launch of the Falcon 9 rocket and successful docking of their Dragon capsule with the...More »
  • Climategate / Open Lines

    Filling in for George Noory, John B. Wells (email) welcomed space historian Robert Zimmerman, in the first half of the program, for a discussion about Climategate and other science-related issues. Open Lines followed.More »
  • Space News / Spiritual Universe

    In the first half, space historian Robert Zimmerman commented on recent news in space-related politics, events, and developments. In the latter half, astrophysicist and author Dr. Bernard Haisch shared his theory that the universe is a product of an intelligence.More »
  • New Lifeform / Transhumanism

    In the first half of the show, the surprising scientific announcement about the discovery of an arsenic eating life form in Mono Lake, CA was discussed. Space researcher Robert Zimmerman characterized the microbe as an extremophile, Richard C. Hoagland posed the question-- "Is...More »
  • Space News

    In the first half, space historian Robert Zimmerman discussed NASA, space technology, and climate research, as well as planets and asteroids. While the US government's manned space program seems stalled at this point, commercial development is picking up some of the slack, he...More »
  • Apollo & Space Missions

    On the 40th anniversary of the moon landing, space historian Robert Zimmerman discussed the history and triumph of the Apollo space program & how the U.S. was able win the race to put a man on the moon. First hour guest, Tim Miller with FlatSigned Press talked about his...More »
  • Space News & Research

    Appearing during the first three hours, historian and journalist Robert Zimmerman discussed space politics and history, including recent developments at NASA, space tourism, and the Hubble Space Telescope, "the telescope that will not die." In the last hour, consumer...More »
  • 'Bizarre' Open Lines

    During Open Lines, George offered a "Bizarre Hotline" for callers with truly strange tales. The stories included two separate demonic encounters, a simultaneous death by a husband and wife, and a chance encounter with the Unabomber. Danny from Phoenix told of how his church went...More »
  • The Hubble Telescope

    Appearing during the first three hours, author Robert Zimmerman talked about his new book The Universe in a Mirror, which covers the history and discoveries of the Hubble Telescope. Astrophysicist Lyman Spitzer proposed the concept of a telescope in space back in 1946, and...More »
  • Psychic Detectives

    Kelly Snyder of Find Me discussed how his group of 32 psychics & experts assists law enforcement and families in locating missing people.More »
  • Space, Mars & the Moon

    Space historian and author Robert Zimmerman discussed various space-related topics, such as exploration, commercial ventures, the Moon, Mars, and beyond.More »
  • Space: Missions & Ventures

    Space historian Robert Zimmerman shared his insights on such topics as the Shuttle mission, upcoming technology, and commercial ventures in space.More »
  • Space, Climate & UFOs

    Author and historian Robert Zimmerman spoke about space-related issues and also shared his contention that there isn't enough evidence to confirm that global warming is happening. We don't have enough data over long-term cycles to draw any definitive conclusions about the...More »
  • Space Update

    Author Robert Zimmerman returned to share his insights on space-related matters. The Discovery is scheduled on Wednesday to conduct repairs underneath the shuttle, which is the first time they have attempted to spacewalk in this area, he reported. They will be trying to pull out...More »
  • Pharmaceutical Costs

    Merrill Goozner, the author of The 800 Million Dollar Pill, presented a critical look at the medical and pharmaceutical industry. Americans pay the highest price for drugs, because most other countries have national health plans which are able to negotiate with the suppliers....More »
  • Space Missions

    Author and space enthusiast Robert Zimmerman shared updates and information on the Hubble Space Telescope, NASA missions, and private space flight & tourism. The Shuttle program, he noted, is planned to be phased out by 2010 and be replaced by Crew Exploration Vehicles (CEVs),...More »
  • Space Developments

    Author Robert Zimmerman returned to the show to discuss various aspects of space exploration and development. Rather than teaming up with other countries on say a mission to Mars, he advocated for competition. Cooperative efforts between nations can become bogged down in...More »
  • Space Exploration

    Author Robert Zimmerman shared his insights into the past, present and future of space exploration, and offered analysis of such projects as the Hubble Telescope, the International Space Station, and the Shuttle program.More »
  • Space Exploration

    Author Robert Zimmerman offered his insight on the Space Shuttle Program, President Bush's Space initiative, The Mars Rovers and other topics regarding the era of space exploration.More »
  • Exploring Space

    Author Robert Zimmerman delved into the history and future of space exploration. Dissecting the American-Russian rivalry in the 1960s, he commented that the Soviets initially got the upper hand in the space race because the "whole energy of their society was behind it."More »

Last Night

Imperiled Animals / Navajo Rangers
Imperiled Animals / Navajo Rangers
Aysha Akhtar spoke with George Knapp about animals as emotional companions and the ways that society mistreats them. Followed by Stanley Milford Jr., who shared how the paranormal became part of his job with the Navajo Rangers.


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