Ghosts & Orbs

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Ghosts & Orbs


  • Ghost Detectives & Skeptics
  • Lilley Arms Haunting
  • Investigating Orbs
  • About the show

    Investigator and radio host Ross Hemsworth discussed his explorations of anomalous phenomena, including his research into orbs and ghosts. While filming the show 'Ghost Detectives,' in the UK, at a site that was allegedly haunted by a young girl, he distinctly heard a child's voice say "May I play?" He noted that this was a Victorian, rather than modern style of speaking.

    He investigated a pub at Lilley Arms where the owner had requested he come in to exorcise a ghost. She had asked the entity, a man dressed in Victorian-era clothes, what he was doing in her establishment. "Madam, I think it is you that is in my room," he told her. This led Hemsworth to conclude that the spirit may be co-existing with us, but in a different dimension or parallel realm, taking place in an earlier time frame-- and we may not have the right to try and expel such beings.

    Orbs, the globe-like objects that appear in digital photographs, are one of the strangest phenomena of our time, Hemsworth commented. Many of these photos cannot be explained by dust, moisture and camera malfunction, and further, orbs have moved on command, implying they have some type of intelligence, he said. For more on orbs, view photos below, as well as the trailer for his upcoming documentary Orbs - The Final Proof?

    New 'Phenomenon'

    First hour guest Uri Geller talked about his involvement in the new NBC reality series Phenomenon, a contest to find the next great mentalist. Geller said that he and Criss Angel offer critiques on the contestants' performances but the winner will be decided by viewers' votes.

    Bumper Music

    Last Night

    Courageous Living / UFOs & Alien Bodies
    Courageous Living / UFOs & Alien Bodies
    Author Ken Druck spoke candidly about his journey of resilience and healing. Followed by UFO investigator Ruben Uriarte on UFO sightings and crashes, and alien bodies.


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