
Most Recent - Nature, Environment & Earth Changes

Video: Shark Seen Swimming in River Thames?
Video: Shark Seen Swimming in River Thames?
A pair of friends walking along Britain's River Thames could not believe their eyes when they spotted what appeared to be a shark swimming in the iconic waterway.
Mysteries & AnomaliesNature, Environment & Earth Changes
Watch: Famed Monster Hunter Films Funnel Cloud Forming Over Loch Ness
Watch: Famed Monster Hunter Films Funnel Cloud Forming Over Loch Ness
A man famous for moving to Loch Ness decades ago to hunt the site's legendary monster captured footage of something nearly as rare and wondrous when he spotted a funnel cloud that formed in the sky.
Nature, Environment & Earth ChangesCreatures, Myths & Legends
Video: 'World's Ugliest Dog' for 2024 Crowned
Video: 'World's Ugliest Dog' for 2024 Crowned
A Pekinese named Wild Thing is sitting pretty after being crowned the World's Ugliest Dog for 2024.
Weird & BizarreNature, Environment & Earth Changes
Knapp's News 6/16/24
Knapp's News 6/16/24
George Knapp shares recent items of interest, including articles about the dangers of AI, and the language of elephants.
UFOs & Aerial PhenomenaNature, Environment & Earth ChangesScience, Space & Technology
Video: Fisherman Reports Alligator Sighting at Pennsylvania Lake
Video: Fisherman Reports Alligator Sighting at Pennsylvania Lake
A Pennsylvania man claims that a recent fishing trip took a wondrous turn when he spotted an alligator swimming in a local lake.
Nature, Environment & Earth Changes
Video: Maine Woman Gets Caught in Quicksand While Walking Along Beach
Video: Maine Woman Gets Caught in Quicksand While Walking Along Beach
A woman strolling along a beach in Maine found herself in a strange situation straight out of a classic cartoon as she suddenly became caught in quicksand.
Nature, Environment & Earth ChangesWeird & Bizarre
Deer in Upstate New York Freed from Hockey Net Stuck on Head for Two Weeks
Deer in Upstate New York Freed from Hockey Net Stuck on Head for Two Weeks
A wildlife rescue group in upstate New York rescued an unfortunate deer that had been wandering around with a hockey net stuck on its head for the last two weeks.
Nature, Environment & Earth Changes
Video: Tiger Sighting Reported in Cincinnati
Video: Tiger Sighting Reported in Cincinnati
Cops in Cincinnati were left scratching their heads after multiple residents reported seeing a loose tiger wandering down a road, but an hours-long search for the animal turned up no sign of the phantom big cat.
Nature, Environment & Earth Changes
British Village Invaded by Massive Flock of Feral Chickens
British Village Invaded by Massive Flock of Feral Chickens
Residents of a British village are at their wit's end over a massive flock of feral chickens that have overtaken the community and become something of a tourist attraction.
Weird & BizarreNature, Environment & Earth Changes
Knapp's News 5/26/24
Knapp's News 5/26/24
George Knapp shares recent items of interest, including articles on mysterious drones, and surprising facts about Memorial Day.
Nature, Environment & Earth ChangesUFOs & Aerial Phenomena
Lovesick Monkey Goes on Whiskey-Fueled Rampage Through Russian Village
Lovesick Monkey Goes on Whiskey-Fueled Rampage Through Russian Village
Residents of a village in Russia were forced to take cover when a pet monkey went on a whiskey-fueled rampage believed to have been brought about by his owner getting married.
Weird & BizarreNature, Environment & Earth Changes
Watch: Amazing Northern Lights Appear in Lower Latitudes
Watch: Amazing Northern Lights Appear in Lower Latitudes
An extreme solar storm, brought on by a cluster of giant sunspots, sent charged particles toward Earth over the weekend. The resulting auroras, or Northern Lights, dazzled the eye across the globe.
Science, Space & TechnologyNature, Environment & Earth Changes
Happy Mother’s Day to the Earth
Happy Mother’s Day to the Earth
On Sunday, we celebrate our mothers. But what about Mother Earth?
Nature, Environment & Earth ChangesScience, Space & Technology
Video: Chinese Zoo's 'Panda' Exhibit Features Dogs Dyed Black and White
Video: Chinese Zoo's 'Panda' Exhibit Features Dogs Dyed Black and White
A zoo in China has come under fire for their rather unorthodox 'panda' exhibit that features small dogs that have been dyed black and white.
Weird & BizarreNature, Environment & Earth Changes
Knapp's News 4/28/24
Knapp's News 4/28/24
George Knapp shares recent items of interest, including his own piece for 8NewsNow on what’s happening inside Area 51, and the website creator who was raided by federal agents.
UFOs & Aerial PhenomenaNature, Environment & Earth Changes
Video: Monstrous Komodo Dragon Menaces Iraqi Village
Video: Monstrous Komodo Dragon Menaces Iraqi Village
A village in Iraq is on edge due to a monstrous Komodo dragon that is believed to be responsible for slaying a staggering 21 sheep.
Nature, Environment & Earth Changes
Watch: Escaped Circus Elephant Wanders Streets of Montana City
Watch: Escaped Circus Elephant Wanders Streets of Montana City
Residents of a Montana city got an unexpected preview of a visiting circus' show when one of the attraction's elephants managed to escape from its enclosure and wound up wandering through traffic.
Nature, Environment & Earth Changes
Watch: Escaped Hippo Roams Streets of South African Community
Watch: Escaped Hippo Roams Streets of South African Community
Residents of a South African community were forced to shelter in place after a hippopotamus managed to escape a neighboring nature reserve and took to the streets.
Nature, Environment & Earth Changes
Tennessee Passes Geoengineering “Chemtrail” Ban
Tennessee Passes Geoengineering “Chemtrail” Ban
Tennessee House lawmakers last week passed a ban on geoengeering – or the process of impacting the climate by injecting chemicals or other substances into the atmosphere – after the Senate passed the bill the previous week. Geoengeering has been...
Nature, Environment & Earth ChangesCurrent Events/Economy
Bizarre Remains of 'Mystery Creature' Found on Beach at Lake Michigan
Bizarre Remains of 'Mystery Creature' Found on Beach at Lake Michigan
The strange remains of an unidentified creature washed ashore at Lake Michigan this week and, as of now, the nature of the unfortunate animal remains a mystery.
Nature, Environment & Earth Changes
Knapp's News 3/31/24
Knapp's News 3/31/24
George Knapp shares recent items of interest, including two articles about solar eclipses.
Science, Space & TechnologyNature, Environment & Earth Changes
Video: Red Panda Among 87 Animals Saved in Smuggling Bust at Bangkok Airport
Video: Red Panda Among 87 Animals Saved in Smuggling Bust at Bangkok Airport
Authorities in Thailand thwarted an attempted smuggling operation wherein a staggering 87 animals, including a red panda, were stashed in some travelers' luggage.
Nature, Environment & Earth ChangesTrue Crime
Mayor Under Fire for Orchestrating Murder of Turkey That Tormented Community
Mayor Under Fire for Orchestrating Murder of Turkey That Tormented Community
The mayor of a small Canadian town is under fire after he enlisted a slingshot-wielding resident to murder a troublesome turkey that had been tormenting the community.
Nature, Environment & Earth ChangesWeird & Bizarre
Cops Rescue Deer with Plastic Container Stuck on Head for Nearly Two Weeks
Cops Rescue Deer with Plastic Container Stuck on Head for Nearly Two Weeks
Police in Indiana rescued an unfortunate deer that had been wandering around with a plastic container stuck on its head for nearly two weeks.
Nature, Environment & Earth Changes
Beloved Owl Mysteriously Vanishes in England
Beloved Owl Mysteriously Vanishes in England
Authorities in England find themselves with a strange mystery on their hands after a beloved owl was seemingly stolen from its enclosure over the weekend.
True CrimeNature, Environment & Earth Changes
Scientists Unveil Fossilized Remains of 240-Million-Year-Old 'Chinese Dragon'
Scientists Unveil Fossilized Remains of 240-Million-Year-Old 'Chinese Dragon'
The fossilized remains of a wondrous-looking dinosaur that has been likened to a dragon has been unveiled by a team of international scientists who have been studying the remarkable remains over the last decade.
Ancient WorldNature, Environment & Earth Changes
Video: Dozens of Coins Removed from Stomach of Alligator at Nebraska Zoo
Video: Dozens of Coins Removed from Stomach of Alligator at Nebraska Zoo
Veterinarians at a zoo in Nebraska removed a staggering 70 coins from the stomach of an alligator that managed to scarf down the change that had been tossed into its enclosure by wish-making patrons.
Nature, Environment & Earth Changes
Video: Mysterious 'Thundercow' Becomes Local Legend in Oklahoma
Video: Mysterious 'Thundercow' Becomes Local Legend in Oklahoma
A mysterious cow that has been seen grazing around a lake in Oklahoma for the past year has become something of a legend in the area with residents likening the elusive animal's appearances to those of Bigfoot.
Nature, Environment & Earth ChangesMysteries & Anomalies
Knapp's News 2/18/24
Knapp's News 2/18/24
George Knapp shares recent items of interest, including security threats and UFOs, new revelations on the Roswell crash, and bad news about climate change and ocean currents:
Science, Space & TechnologyNature, Environment & Earth ChangesUFOs & Aerial Phenomena
Huge Sunspot Group Faces Earth
Huge Sunspot Group Faces Earth
An enormous sunspot group recently turned toward Earth, leading to concerns about dangerous solar flares and CMEs that could affect our technology, satellites, and communication systems.
Science, Space & TechnologyNature, Environment & Earth Changes

Last Night

Biblical Prophecy / Geoengineering
Biblical Prophecy / Geoengineering
Financial analyst Benjamin Baruch discussed the world's current financial situation and how it reflects prophecy found in the Bible. Followed by activist Dane Wigington, who spoke about how geoengineering harms the environment.


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