
Most Recent - Science, Space & Technology

Video: Musket Balls From First Revolutionary War Battle Unearthed in Massachusetts
Video: Musket Balls From First Revolutionary War Battle Unearthed in Massachusetts
Five musket balls believed to have been fired during the legendary first battle of the Revolutionary War were recently unearthed by archaeologists.
Science, Space & Technology
Knapp's News 6/23/24
Knapp's News 6/23/24
George Knapp shares recent items of interest, including an article about what humanity would do if an asteroid slammed the Earth in 2038.
Science, Space & TechnologyExtraterrestrial
Jupiter's Great Red Spot: True Age Discovered
Jupiter's Great Red Spot: True Age Discovered
Scientists have determined that Jupiter's Great Red Spot is younger than previously thought, revealing it to be around 190 years old (younger than the United States).
Science, Space & Technology
Knapp's News 6/16/24
Knapp's News 6/16/24
George Knapp shares recent items of interest, including articles about the dangers of AI, and the language of elephants.
UFOs & Aerial PhenomenaNature, Environment & Earth ChangesScience, Space & Technology
Star's Mysterious Signal Surprises Scientists
Star's Mysterious Signal Surprises Scientists
An Australian telescope detected waves from a neutron star with such a slow rotation that it defies researchers’ understanding of physics.
Mysteries & AnomaliesScience, Space & Technology
James Webb Telescope Finds Earliest Known Carbon
James Webb Telescope Finds Earliest Known Carbon
The James Webb Space Telescope has detected a cloud of carbon in a galaxy from just 350 million years after the Big Bang, marking the earliest known presence of an element other than hydrogen.
Science, Space & Technology
James Webb Telescope Discovers Universe's Most Distant Galaxy
James Webb Telescope Discovers Universe's Most Distant Galaxy
NASA's James Webb Space Telescope has discovered the most distant galaxy ever observed, named JADES-GS-z14-0, providing a remarkable view into the early universe.
Science, Space & Technology
Did a Strange Object Fall from Space? What was it?
Did a Strange Object Fall from Space? What was it?
A mysterious discovery has been made on a remote trail at a camping facility in North Carolina - a peculiar object suspected to be space debris.
Mysteries & AnomaliesScience, Space & Technology
Knapp's News 5/19/24
Knapp's News 5/19/24
George Knapp shares recent items of interest including his investigative report on a proposed Las Vegas UFO tech program, and an article about the 4D dimension.
Science, Space & TechnologyUFOs & Aerial Phenomena
Video: Spectacular Blue-Green Fireball Lights Up Skies Over Spain & Portugal
Video: Spectacular Blue-Green Fireball Lights Up Skies Over Spain & Portugal
This past Saturday evening, a mesmerizing blue-green fireball blazed across the skies over Spain and Portugal.
Science, Space & Technology
Watch: Amazing Northern Lights Appear in Lower Latitudes
Watch: Amazing Northern Lights Appear in Lower Latitudes
An extreme solar storm, brought on by a cluster of giant sunspots, sent charged particles toward Earth over the weekend. The resulting auroras, or Northern Lights, dazzled the eye across the globe.
Science, Space & TechnologyNature, Environment & Earth Changes
Happy Mother’s Day to the Earth
Happy Mother’s Day to the Earth
On Sunday, we celebrate our mothers. But what about Mother Earth?
Nature, Environment & Earth ChangesScience, Space & Technology
James Webb Space Telescope to Examine Potential Signs of Life on K2-18b
James Webb Space Telescope to Examine Potential Signs of Life on K2-18b
Scientists have detected dimethyl sulphide in the atmosphere of the distant extrasolar planet K2-18b, which orbits a dwarf star 124 light years away from Earth.
Science, Space & Technology
Video: Flamethrower-Equipped Robot Dog for Sale from Ohio Company
Video: Flamethrower-Equipped Robot Dog for Sale from Ohio Company
An Ohio company that manufactures flamethrowers has unveiled a rather unsettling new addition to their line of products: a robot dog that can shoot fire up to thirty feet.
Science, Space & Technology
Knapp's News 4/21/24
Knapp's News 4/21/24
George Knapp shares recent items of interest, including articles about how neurotechnology companies collect sensitive data about our thoughts, and the consciousness of insects.
Science, Space & TechnologyPsychology & Mind
Eclipse Passes Over North America
Eclipse Passes Over North America
From Texas through Maine, Sinaloa to Nova Scotia, folks in the path of totality had a spectacular show today as the 2024 solar eclipse traversed North America.
Science, Space & TechnologyCurrent Events/Economy
Knapp's News 3/31/24
Knapp's News 3/31/24
George Knapp shares recent items of interest, including two articles about solar eclipses.
Science, Space & TechnologyNature, Environment & Earth Changes
Richard C. Hoagland 'Odysseus' Images
Richard C. Hoagland 'Odysseus' Images
Guest on the 3/20/24 show, Richard C. Hoagland, shares a set of images and captions to accompany his presentation related to the Odysseus lunar mission.
Science, Space & Technology
Knapp's News 3/17/24
Knapp's News 3/17/24
George Knapp shares recent items of interest, including several articles about the Pentagon's UFO report.
UFOs & Aerial PhenomenaScience, Space & Technology
Knapp's News 2/25/24
Knapp's News 2/25/24
George Knapp shares recent items of interest, including Jeffrey Kripal's thoughts on UFOs, changing your mind on conspiracy theories, how A.I. can help the search for extraterrestrials, and zombie deer:
Science, Space & TechnologyAlternative History & Conspiracies
Humanoid Robots Could Help Tackle Dangerous Jobs
Humanoid Robots Could Help Tackle Dangerous Jobs
Tech giants including Amazon and Microsoft have collectively invested around $675 million in Figure AI, a robotics startup with ambitious plans to bring the first commercial humanoid robot powered by AI to market.
Science, Space & Technology
Video: Enormous Fireball in Night Sky Reported by Witnesses in a Dozen States
Video: Enormous Fireball in Night Sky Reported by Witnesses in a Dozen States
An enormous fireball that streaked through the night sky on Wednesday evening was observed by witnesses in a dozen states.
Science, Space & Technology
Massive Black Hole Eats an Entire Sun Every Day
Massive Black Hole Eats an Entire Sun Every Day
A quasar known as JO529-5351, first misidentified as a mere star, is powered by a black hole so ravenous that it "eats just over a sun per day" and has a staggering mass of 17 billion suns.
Science, Space & Technology
Knapp's News 2/18/24
Knapp's News 2/18/24
George Knapp shares recent items of interest, including security threats and UFOs, new revelations on the Roswell crash, and bad news about climate change and ocean currents:
Science, Space & TechnologyNature, Environment & Earth ChangesUFOs & Aerial Phenomena
NASA Protocols for Asteroid Strike Alert
NASA Protocols for Asteroid Strike Alert
When the Chicxulub impactor, a six-mile-wide asteroid, struck Earth 66 million years ago, it wiped out 75 percent of our planet's species. Today, if an asteroid of similar size were to strike, it would unleash catastrophic consequences, including...
Science, Space & Technology
Huge Sunspot Group Faces Earth
Huge Sunspot Group Faces Earth
An enormous sunspot group recently turned toward Earth, leading to concerns about dangerous solar flares and CMEs that could affect our technology, satellites, and communication systems.
Science, Space & TechnologyNature, Environment & Earth Changes
Captivating Images Celebrate NASA's Landmark First Untethered Spacewalk
Captivating Images Celebrate NASA's Landmark First Untethered Spacewalk
This week forty years ago, on February 7, 1984, two NASA astronauts made history by performing the first untethered spacewalk during the STS-41B mission aboard the Space Shuttle Challenger.
Science, Space & Technology
Scientists Suggest WWII 'Foo Fighters' Were Plasma Forms
Scientists Suggest WWII 'Foo Fighters' Were Plasma Forms
A fascinating new report from a group of US scientists suggests that the mysterious "foo fighters" spotted by WWII pilots may have been plasmas or ionized gases rather than some type of ET phenomena.
UFOs & Aerial PhenomenaScience, Space & Technology
Video: Rotor Damage Puts an End to NASA's Ingenuity Mars Helicopter Mission
Video: Rotor Damage Puts an End to NASA's Ingenuity Mars Helicopter Mission
After nearly three years of cruising the skies over Mars, NASA's Ingenuity helicopter has been grounded for good due to rotor damage.
Science, Space & Technology
Watch: Ameca the Robot Reveals Dark Fears
Watch: Ameca the Robot Reveals Dark Fears
The advanced cyborg reveals fears about loneliness and replacing humans.
Science, Space & Technology