Past Shows:
Messages from the Divine / Psychic Communications
Author Neale Donald Walsch shared his latest work on messages from God. Followed by psychic Dr. Linda Salvin on the afterlife and her unusual experiences.More » 2023 Astrology Insights / Afterlife Communication
Astrologer William Stickevers shared a forecast for 2023, including currency, crypto, and the stock market. Followed by psychic Dr. Linda Salvin on afterlife communication and combating loneliness.More » Remote Viewing / NDEs & the Other Side
Remote viewing researcher Stephan Schwartz discussed the latest science on predicting the future, and his theory of social change. Followed by psychic Dr. Linda Salvin on her work with near-death experiences and family curses.More » Natural Health/ NDEs & Spirit Communications
Dr. Joel Wallach addressed alternative health, and the use of supplements. Followed by psychic Linda Salvin on near-death experiences and spirit contacts.More » Psychic Communications/ Reconnection & Healing
In the first half, psychic Linda Salvin joined George Noory to discuss her mediumistic and healing abilities, and various spiritual techniques and communications. In the latter half, Dr. Eric Pearl addressed how people can reconnect their lives, and experience healing by...More » Health News/ Psychic Experiences
In the first half of the program, registered pharmacist and nutritionist Ben Fuchs offered analysis on the latest developments in health news, supplementation, and treatments. In the latter half, psychic Linda Salvin detailed her work communicating with the Other Side, the...More » Curses, Mercury Retrograde & Ouija
George Noory welcomed radio host and psychic, Dr. Linda Salvin, for a discussion on curses, the current Mercury retrograde cycle, and Ouija board experiences. Open Lines followed in the final hour.More » Psychic Experiences / Anunnaki Architecture
During the first half of the show, psychic Linda Salvin, with a PhD in metaphysics and a lifetime of bizarre experiences, detailed her development of psychic gifts, and her work as a healer, reader, and channeler. 3rd hour guest, mechanical engineer Marshall Klarfeld...More » Psychic Special
George Noory hosted a four-hour special featuring psychics, mediums, and intuitives, including Allyson Walsh & Adele Nichols, Nan O'Brien, Linda Salvin, and Mona Lisa Shultz. Kicking off the show, identical psychic twins Allyson & Adele said they knew of their special...More »