Robert Felix

Robert Felix


Robert Felix, a former architect, became interested in the ice-age cycle back in 1991. He spent the next eight and a half years, full-time, researching and writing about the coming ice age. He then concentrated on spreading the word. Robert's book, "Not by Fire but by Ice" has achieved international acclaim with readers around the world. Today, Felix continues his research, and is more firmly convinced than ever that the next ice age could begin any day. In fact, he believes it has already begun.



Past Shows:

  • The Coming Ice Age / Astronomy & the Search for ET Life

    Researcher Robert Felix, argued that we're in the early stages of a mini-ice age. Followed by astronomer Seth Shostak on possible life in the Venusian atmosphere.More »
  • Coming Ice Age/ Hidden History

    Robert Felix detailed the signs of a coming ice age. Followed by researcher Gary Wayne on hidden history and biblical prophecy.More »
  • Coming Ice Age/ Doors of Perception

    Researcher Robert Felix contends we are at the start of a new ice age. Followed by author Anthony Peake, on opening the doors of perception.More »
  • ET Encounters & UFO Disclosure

    Historian and UFO researcher Richard Dolan discussed bizarre ET encounters, the forces which may prevent disclosure, and challenges facing ufology in the modern age. In the first hour, researcher Robert Felix reacted to the 'snowpocalypse' hitting parts of the United States.More »
  • Lucid Dreaming Research

    Pioneering lucid dream researcher at Stanford University and Montreal’s Sacré-Coeur Hospital, Craig Sim Webb discussed the experience and benefits of lucid dreaming, as well as precognitive dreams, shared dreams, "inception," and nightmares. First hour guest, researcher Robert...More »
  • Fear & Extreme Circumstances

    Writer Jeff Wise talked about the psychology of fear, and the various ways we cope with extreme circumstances. He detailed his investigation into the crash of Air France 447, which disappeared over the middle of the South Atlantic Ocean in 2009. It turned out that during a...More »
  • Health Special

    Three separate guests discussed various health & medical issues. Dr. Leonard Coldwell proclaimed that any type of cancer can be cured within 2 to 16 weeks. Ann Louise Gittleman, a weight loss/detox expert, said weight gain may be associated with toxins or chemicals in the...More »
  • Ancient ET Intervention

    Mechanical engineer Marshall Klarfeld discussed his relationship with the late Zecharia Sitchin and his theories of how humans were created by genetic engineering of the Annunaki. First hour guest, researcher Robert Felix talked about climate and its connection to volcanic...More »
  • Economic Exposé

    Analyst of geopolitics and foreign policy, Craig B. Hulet discussed how the banking bailouts were put in place by a "thugocracy" that has set the stage for a global financial system that excludes the United States. The thugocracy is composed of a group of banks that have acted...More »
  • The Second Sun

    Appearing during the middle two hours, researcher Walter Cruttenden discussed ancient ideas about how our solar system could be tied to another star which may have influenced the rise and fall of civilizations here on Earth. A number of ancient cultures, such as the Greeks, were...More »
  • Invisible Creatures & Rainmaking

    Appearing during the middle two hours, author and historian Trevor James Constable discussed his work tracking the reality of huge, invisible flying creatures and his research into weather modification. Constable detailed his initial discovery of invisible flying creatures in...More »
  • Cells & Subconscious Programming

    Scientist and researcher Dr. Bruce Lipton discussed his latest work on how our biochemistry is subject to the condition of our mental states and belief systems. The cells in our bodies are like "miniature people" living in a community-- it's a technology that surpasses anything...More »
  • Flex Fuel Mandate

    Appearing during the middle two hours,aerospace engineer Robert Zubrin shared his strategy for reducing dependence on foreign oil. If the oil cartels' profits continue at the current rate, they will eventually be worth more than the entire Fortune 500, and have increased power...More »
  • Hidden Archeology & Cosmic Hierarchy

    Author and researcher Michael Cremo returned to discuss 'forbidden archeology,' ancient Sanskrit knowledge, and cosmic hierarchy. He shared evidence that humans existed on this planet millions of years ago. Examples included, a human skeleton found in Illinois under a thick...More »
  • Mothman & the Antichrist

    Author L. A. Marzulli discussed his research into the 'Luciferian Conspiracy,' as well as Mothman encounters. The conspiracy, he explained, concerns a satanic entity who wants to be worshipped; he'll take the form of the Antichrist, coming initially as a man of peace. Whoever...More »
  • NASA's Deceptions

    Coast to Coast AM Science Advisor Richard C. Hoagland and former Boeing aerospace engineer Mike Baraintroduced their just released book Dark Mission.More »
  • Civilization & Cycles of Doom

    Anthropologists and novelists Michael & Kathleen Gear shared their research which has led them to conclude that modern civilization is doomed due to the historic cycle of climate change and overpopulation.More »
  • Synthetic Solutions

    Charles Ostman, senior fellow at the Institute for Global Futures, discussed Synthetic Biology-- how and why it is being developed.More »
  • Security, Warfare & the Port Deal

    Consultant Charles R. Smith commented on such topics as computer security, military technology, and the UAE port deal. Computer hackers can gain access to personal information through such methods as keystroke logging, and he suggested that Internet users make sure they have...More »
  • Surveillance & Privacy

    Lauren Weinstein, an expert in privacy issues and technology, presented an update on such topics as secret wiretapping, Echelon, and camera surveillance. Much of the government's current wiretapping efforts may not meet "probable cause," (which had been used in the past to get a...More »
  • Climate Change & Ice Ages

    Researcher Robert Felix returned to discuss recent climate changes and his theory that we could be headed into a potential new ice age. Global warming is not brought about by man-made factors, he contended, but rather undersea volcanic activity which brings about ocean warming.More »
  • Conspiracy Theories

    Filmmaker and radio host Alex Jones joined George Noory live in the studio at KLBJ in Austin, TX. Their conversation included discussions about the cashless society control-grid, national ID cards, and the globalists' agenda.Jones said our government's goal is to bring about a...More »
  • Fire & Ice

    During Saturday night's show, researcher Robert Felix declared that another ice age is on the way, and it could begin very soon. Felix believes underwater volcanoes heating the ocean play a crucial role in the ice age. He cited a recent expedition to Gakkel ridge in which...More »
  • Trucker Hotline

    During Friday's Open Lines truckers were invited to call in and relate unusual occurrences. Among the callers, was a trucker who heard a strange creature hissing at him from a tree. Another trucker related seeing an odd mist that contained an Indian on a horse, but that the...More »
  • China's Nanotechnology Threat

    Newsmax columnist and author Lev Navrozov sounded the alarm about China, stating his belief that they are in the process of harnessing nanotechnology that will be used against the West. The United States is ignoring the fact that China is spending billions developing "post...More »
  • Cydonia & Ancient Earth

    Authors Steve Quayle and David Flynn discussed the correlation of artifacts at the Cydonia section of Mars to terrestrial geometry of megalithic structures and ancient belief systems. Flynn noted that the D & M pyramid on Cydonia, with its pentagram shape is symbolically tied to...More »
  • Tarot as a Tool

    "Eclectic psychologist" Art Rosengarten shared his insights about using Tarot as a tool for understanding the present. "Tarot cards are way-showers," he said. They are "images and symbols that capture universal trends that all people have in the background of their...More »
  • Rebroadcast from 5/20/03: Robert Felix

    In this re-broadcast from 5/20/03, science writer Robert Felix discussed a possible coming ice age.More »
  • A New Ice Age

    Science writer Robert Felix appeared on Tuesday's show, warning that a new ice age could be upon us. He cited evidence of an 11,500 year cycle (related to the Earth's rotational axis) in which ice ages lasting from 1,000 to 5,000 years occur like "clockwork." He suggested that...More »
  • Robert Felix

    Beginning with the dinosaur extinction of 65 million years ago, Robert Felixexplores the relationship between mass extinctions, ice ages, and magneticreversals (times when compasses would have pointed south instead of north).More »

Last Night

Courageous Living / UFOs & Alien Bodies
Courageous Living / UFOs & Alien Bodies
Author Ken Druck spoke candidly about his journey of resilience and healing. Followed by UFO investigator Ruben Uriarte on UFO sightings and crashes, and alien bodies.


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