William Stickevers

William Stickevers


With a broad scope of political, economic, psychological, spiritual, and metaphysical knowledge, William Stickevers systematically explores possibilities about the future and how they can emerge from the present by weaving current secular trends, geopolitical factors, and mundane astrological portents. A counseling astrologer since 1988, mostly in New York City and now in San Francisco, William Stickevers is well versed in psychological, Horary, Electional, Medieval, and Renaissance branches of astrology, certified in Astro*Carto*Graphy, and worked with Alphee Lavoie of Astrological Institute of Research (AIR).

William has lectured for the National Council for Geocosmic Research, American Federation of Astrologers, the Astrological Society of Connecticut, the San Francisco Astrological Society, and in Germany, Romania, and Japan. In addition to being one of five astrologers recommended on Michael Lutin's Financial Astrology page, William has been invited by Kepler College, "We the People" and the Stars Online Astrology Event, and the META Center (NYC) to participate on panel discussions on the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election, the political and economic future of the U.S., and the Mayan 5th Age, respectively.


Past Shows:

  • Film Conspiracies

    Filmmaker Jay Weidner shared his insights into conspiracy theories surrounding the Apollo moon landing and JFK assassination. In the first hour, astrologer William Stickevers provided his astrological view on world events, US politics, and AI advancements.More »
  • Astrology and the Eclipse / Eclipse and Prophecy

    Astrologer William Stickevers discussed the astrological impact of the eclipse on America. Then pastor Paul Begley explained how the solar eclipse and current events are related to biblical prophecy.More »
  • 2024 Astrological Forecast / Gambling Addiction

    Astrologer William Stickevers shared his forecast for 2024, including AI, the presidential election, and the economy. Followed by counselor Howard Riback, a gambling addiction survivor, with tips on how to beat the condition.More »
  • Financial Astrology / ETs, Gods, & Angels

    Astrologer William Stickevers shared predictions for what he sees ahead on the economic and geopolitical front. Followed by ET experiencer Ella LeBain on her 40-plus-year journey to discover the truth about UFOs, aliens, gods, and angels.More »
  • Astrology Insights / Animal Communication

    Astrologer William Stickevers shared various insights and predictions on the economy and political landscape. Followed by intuitive healer and medium Susan Allen on her animal communications.More »
  • 2023 Astrology Insights / Afterlife Communication

    Astrologer William Stickevers shared a forecast for 2023, including currency, crypto, and the stock market. Followed by psychic Dr. Linda Salvin on afterlife communication and combating loneliness.More »
  • Astrological Predictions / Past Lives in Ancient Lands

    William Stickevers shared an astrological forecast, and talked about how the solar eclipse on October 25th will be a harbinger of surprise developments. Followed by author Dr. Shelley Kaehr on ancient past lives.More »
  • World of the Paranormal / Astrology & Current Events

    Yardbirds drummer Jim McCarty discussed his career, new book (She Walks in Beauty), and afterdeath communications with his wife Lizzie. Astrologer William Stickevers revealed how major geopolitical events are influenced by the alignments of the planets.More »
  • Financial Astrology / Fifth Dimensional Healing

    Astrologer William Stickevers discussed the planetary alignments affecting finance, geopolitics, and civil unrest. Followed by medical medium Kimberly Meredith on the role of the Fifth Dimension in her work and practice.More »
  • Financial Astrology / Havana Syndrome

    Specializing in financial astrology, William Stickevers spoke about the economic outlook, bitcoin, and societal upheaval. Followed by sociologist Robert E. Bartholomew, who contends the Havana Syndrome represents cases of mass hysteria.More »
  • Astrology Predictions / Astronomy & ET Signals

    Astrologer William Stickevers shared predictions and financial insights for the year ahead and beyond. Followed by SETI astronomer Seth Shostak on a curious stellar object, and mysterious signal.More »
  • 2020 Election Special

    George Noory shared US election results as they unfolded along with insights from author Jerome Corsi, analyst John M. Curtis, author Howard Bloom, prophecy expert John Hogue, and astrologer William Stickevers. Open Lines followed in the latter half.More »
  • Astrological Crisis Period / Hybrid Humans

    Astrologer William Stickevers detailed cycles of crisis, and what the future may hold. Followed by researcher Bruce Fenton on his theories of alien manipulation of human genetics.More »
  • Astrology Forecast / Panspermia & Cosmology

    Astrologer William Stickevers talked about major planetary alignments coming in 2020. Followed by Chandra Wickramasinghe on panspermia and cosmology.More »
  • Astrological Forecast / Scientific Wonders

    William Stickevers shared astrological predictions. Followed by Marcus Chown on remarkable scientific facts.More »
  • 2019 Predictions & Insights

    On our New Year’s night special, psychics and astrologers (Joseph Jacobs, Linda Schurman, William Stickevers, and Elizabeth Joyce) shared their visions.More »
  • Astrology Forecasting/ Magic & Spellcasting

    Mike Bara talked about Mars, and the moon. Followed by astrologer William Stickevers sharing forecasts, and Judika Illes on spellcasting.More »
  • Astrological Forecasts/ Media Manipulations

    Astrologer William Stickevers shared forecasts for 2018 and beyond. Followed by Ryan Holiday on behind-the-scenes media manipulations.More »