
Most Recent - Top Secret

Knapp's News 6/18/23
Knapp's News 6/18/23
George Knapp shares recent items of interest, including articles about the US government's handling of UAP cases.
UFOs & Aerial PhenomenaTop SecretCurrent Events/Economy
Video: Whistleblower Claims US Government Has Recovered UFOs of 'Non-Human' Origin
Video: Whistleblower Claims US Government Has Recovered UFOs of 'Non-Human' Origin
A former US intelligence official has come forward with claims that the government has a clandestine UFO crash retrieval program which has recovered craft of non-human origin and, in some instances, their alien pilots.
UFOs & Aerial PhenomenaTop Secret
Strange Top-Secret Programs Revealed
Strange Top-Secret Programs Revealed
Over the years, the US government, military, and CIA crafted numerous top-secret plans and projects, many of which have now been declassified. Here are four of the more curious ones.
Top SecretScience, Space & Technology
Knapp's News 9/25/22
Knapp's News 9/25/22
George Knapp shares recent items of interest, including articles about military surveillance and an intelligence agency's new official seal.
Current Events/EconomySupernatural & ParanormalTop Secret
Classified UFO Photo Revealed After 32 Years
Classified UFO Photo Revealed After 32 Years
On August 4, 1990, two young men walking in the Cairngorms National Park in Scotland saw something remarkable — a diamond-shaped object hovering in the sky.
Top SecretUFOs & Aerial Phenomena
Knapp's News 7/24/22
Knapp's News 7/24/22
George Knapp shares recent items of interest, including articles about the Department of Defense's investigation of anomalies and the relationship between psychedelic drugs and telepathy.
UFOs & Aerial PhenomenaNature, Environment & Earth ChangesPsychology & MindSupernatural & ParanormalTop Secret
Knapp's News 10/24/21
Knapp's News 10/24/21
George Knapp shares recent items of interest, including an article on what Biden is keeping secret in the JFK files.
Top SecretUFOs & Aerial Phenomena
Knapp's News 8/22/21
Knapp's News 8/22/21
George Knapp shares recent items of interest, including an article on the Pentagon's plan to unveil a secret space weapon.
ExtraterrestrialTop SecretPsychology & MindScience, Space & TechnologyUFOs & Aerial PhenomenaGeorge Knapp
Knapp's News 4/25/21
Knapp's News 4/25/21
George Knapp shares items of recent interest, including the CIA's tweets about Tupac Shakur.
Pop CultureTop Secret
Knapp's News 1/17/21
Knapp's News 1/17/21
George Knapp shares items of recent interest including a piece about the looming deadline for a Pentagon report on UFOs.
UFOs & Aerial PhenomenaTop Secret
Roswell Diary to be Released
Roswell Diary to be Released
Diary evidence may support alien explanation for crash.
ExtraterrestrialTop Secret
Knapp's News 10/24/20
Knapp's News 10/24/20
George Knapp shares recent items of interest, including revelations about an original government 'UFO insider.'
Science, Space & TechnologyExtraterrestrialTop SecretCreatures, Myths & Legends
Knapp's News 8/16/20
Knapp's News 8/16/20
George Knapp shares a number of recent news items of interest, including information on the biological effects of UFO encounters.
ExtraterrestrialTop SecretCurrent Events/EconomyPsychology & Mind
Knapp's News 7/26/20
Knapp's News 7/26/20
George Knapp shared a number of items of recent interest including articles on the media and UFOs and IQ tests of captured Nazis.
ExtraterrestrialTop Secret
Pentagon Officially Releases Trio of 'Historical' UFO Videos
Pentagon Officially Releases Trio of 'Historical' UFO Videos
The Department of Defense has officially released the three videos of unidentified flying objects which have captivated the UFO research community and generated considerable media attention for the last two years.
Top SecretUFOs & Aerial Phenomena
Former Director of France's Foreign Intelligence Agency Discusses UFOs
Former Director of France's Foreign Intelligence Agency Discusses UFOs
The former director of France's foreign intelligence agency recently shared some rather remarkable thoughts on the UFO phenomenon.
Top SecretUFOs & Aerial Phenomena
Secret WWII Bunker Found in Scotland
Secret WWII Bunker Found in Scotland
A deforestation project in Scotland inadvertently led to the discovery of a secret World War II bunker that was intended to serve as part of Britain's last line of defense against a Nazi invasion.
Top Secret
Mysterious Air Force Space Plane Finishes Record-Breaking Flight
Mysterious Air Force Space Plane Finishes Record-Breaking Flight
A mysterious space plane belonging to the United States Air Force reportedly returned to Earth on Sunday following a record-breaking 780 days in orbit.
Science, Space & TechnologyTop Secret
Edward Snowden Says He Did Not Find Any Alien Secrets in Government Files
Edward Snowden Says He Did Not Find Any Alien Secrets in Government Files
A question long-pondered by UFO enthusiasts regarding whistleblower Edward Snowden has finally been answered as he says that there were no signs of alien secrets in the government files he was able to access.
ExtraterrestrialTop SecretUFOs & Aerial Phenomena
Navy Confirms UFO Videos Show 'Unidentified Aerial Phenomena'
Navy Confirms UFO Videos Show 'Unidentified Aerial Phenomena'
The United States Navy has confirmed that the much-discussed trio of UFO videos that appeared online at the end of 2017 and in early 2018 are genuine and that the footage shows what they consider to be "unidentified aerial phenomena."
Top SecretUFOs & Aerial Phenomena
Dutch YouTubers Arrested for Entering Restricted Site Near Area 51
Dutch YouTubers Arrested for Entering Restricted Site Near Area 51
A pair of men from the Netherlands seemingly got an early start on storming Area 51 this week when they were arrested for trespassing at a government facility located near the secretive military base.
Top SecretTrue CrimeUFOs & Aerial Phenomena
Exclusive Luis Elizondo Statement
Exclusive Luis Elizondo Statement
George Knapp reached out to Luis Elizondo for a comment on the reaction to the DOD release of UFO videos.
Top SecretUFOs & Aerial Phenomena
Air Force Responds to 'Storm Area 51' Plan
Air Force Responds to 'Storm Area 51' Plan
An audacious online plan to storm Area 51 in search of aliens has become such a viral sensation that the United States Air Force has issued a stern warning to any individuals hoping to take part in the siege.
Top SecretUFOs & Aerial Phenomena
200,000 UFO Fans Plan to Storm Area 51?
200,000 UFO Fans Plan to Storm Area 51?
A bizarre online campaign suggesting that UFO enthusiasts storm Area 51 in search of alien secrets hidden at the infamous base has seemingly garnered the support of nearly 200,000 people.
Top SecretUFOs & Aerial Phenomena
FBI Releases Bigfoot File
FBI Releases Bigfoot File
The FBI raised eyebrows online today when a Twitter account devoted to highlighting significant declassified files in their vault shared an odd set of documents devoted to Bigfoot.
Creatures, Myths & LegendsTop Secret
Knapp's News 5/26/19
Knapp's News 5/26/19
George Knapp shares a number of items that have recently captured his attention.
ExtraterrestrialTop SecretUFOs & Aerial Phenomena
Navy Says 'New' UFO Reports Will Not be Released to the Public
Navy Says 'New' UFO Reports Will Not be Released to the Public
On the heels of the news that the United States Navy plans to draft new guidelines for pilots to report UFOs, a spokesman for the service says that it is unlikely that any of the information will wind up in the hands of the public.
Top SecretUFOs & Aerial Phenomena
Video: Weird Harness-Wearing Whale May be Russian 'Weapon'
Video: Weird Harness-Wearing Whale May be Russian 'Weapon'
Norwegian fishermen were left scratching their heads after they encountered a harness-clad beluga whale that some suspect could have been weaponized by the Russian government.
Nature, Environment & Earth ChangesTop Secret
Knapp's News 4/21/19
Knapp's News 4/21/19
George Knapp shares a number of items that have recently captured his attention.
Science, Space & TechnologyTop Secret

Last Night

Exposing the Deep State / The Alien Interview
Exposing the Deep State / The Alien Interview
Former CIA officer Kevin Shipp discussed his experiences in counterterrorism, and his CIA investigation and whistleblowing. Followed by researcher Jon Stewart who talked about his investigation into a video of an alleged interrogation of an alien.


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